Tentoonstelling / Exhibition 'fluff' – Ívar Glói Gunnarsson Breiðfjörð

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In Ívar’s object orien­ted appro­ach to sculp­tu­re, each work takes on a dif­fe­rent role as an actor, props, or gestu­re that form alli­an­ces with each other, ema­na­ting an infor­ma­ti­on net­work with its own self con­tai­ned logic. As all gene­ral pla­ces have clear con­no­ta­ti­ons as to their func­ti­on and iden­ti­ty, fil­led with agents that make up the logic of what the pla­ce is, an art exhi­bi­ti­on has the advan­ta­ge of not having clear inten­ti­on. Thus, it can resist any pre­con­cei­ved expecta­ti­on an art vie­wer might have as well as any form of sin­ce­re gestu­re. How fic­ti­o­nal or arti­fi­ci­al are our sur­roun­dings, and, any­way, do we even mind that? Probably not.

In 2023, Ívar was awar­ded the CAS-CO BAC award. The pri­ze is gran­ted eve­ry year to a pro­mi­s­ing young artist from LUCA School of Arts. The win­ner recei­ves, among other things, a resi­d­en­cy in BAC ART LAB and Cas-co, as well as finan­ci­al support.

His resi­d­en­cy at Cas-co is sup­por­ted by Myndlistarsjóður / Icelandic Visual Arts Fund.

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