Tentoonstelling / Exhibition 'fluff' – Ívar Glói Gunnarsson Breiðfjörð
In Ívar’s object oriented approach to sculpture, each work takes on a different role as an actor, props, or gesture that form alliances with each other, emanating an information network with its own self contained logic. As all general places have clear connotations as to their function and identity, filled with agents that make up the logic of what the place is, an art exhibition has the advantage of not having clear intention. Thus, it can resist any preconceived expectation an art viewer might have as well as any form of sincere gesture. How fictional or artificial are our surroundings, and, anyway, do we even mind that? Probably not.
In 2023, Ívar was awarded the CAS-CO BAC award. The prize is granted every year to a promising young artist from LUCA School of Arts. The winner receives, among other things, a residency in BAC ART LAB and Cas-co, as well as financial support.
His residency at Cas-co is supported by Myndlistarsjóður / Icelandic Visual Arts Fund.