29.05.2025, 10:00—18:00
Alex Verhaest

Angelo prop klein

Alex Verhaest prac­ti­ce draws on cine­ma­tic influ­en­ces and a fas­ci­na­ti­on with tech­no­lo­gy, during the mas­ter­class she will sha­re prac­ti­cal insights on sto­ry­tel­ling through film and video installations. 

Alex Verhaest is an artist who­se work explo­res sto­ry­tel­ling through a blend of new media tech­ni­ques. Her pro­jects often draw on cine­ma­tic influ­en­ces and a fas­ci­na­ti­on with con­tem­po­ra­ry tech­no­lo­gy, cre­a­ting mul­ti-screen expe­rien­ces root­ed in rich­ly devel­o­ped scripts. Verhaest has exhi­bi­ted wide­ly, won the Ars Electronica Golden Nica (2015), and the Japan Media Arts New Face Award, gra­du­a­ting vale­dic­to­ri­an from Le Fresnoy in 2019.

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