Cristina Lavosi

Off the Grid
Periode: 19.06—24.09.2025

Cristina Lavosi (b. 1993) is a visu­al artist and prac­ti­ce-based researcher living in The Hague (NL). Her work is con­cerned with inves­ti­ga­ting insti­tu­ti­o­nal vio­len­ce and chal­len­ging power struc­tu­res. Her prac­ti­ce looks at how visu­al and ver­bal lan­gu­a­ge is con­struc­ted and per­for­med by Western poli­ti­cal and cul­tu­ral insti­tu­ti­ons to sha­pe domi­nant nar­ra­ti­ves and impo­se norms of living. Being direc­ted at dis­mant­ling hege­mo­nic nar­ra­ti­ves to effec­ti­ve­ly pro­po­se alter­na­ti­ve soci­al ima­gi­na­ries, her work is based on the decon­struc­ti­on and re-con­tex­tu­a­li­sa­ti­on of visu­al and tex­tu­al mate­ri­als, resul­ting in time-based media and audio-visu­al instal­la­ti­ons. Her artis­tic lan­gu­a­ge encom­pas­ses digi­tal and ana­lo­gue video (16 mm and Super 8), archi­val foot­a­ge, sound, pho­to­grap­hy, and prints.

Cristina Lavosi 2 Cristina Lavosi 1 Cristina Lavosi 4 A choral accomplishment Still 8 A choral accomplishment Still 10 A choral accomplishment Still 9 A choral accomplishment Still 1 A choral accomplishment Still 4 Cristina Lavosi 5 A Horse Is a Horse of Course of Course 3 A Horse Is a Horse of Course of Course 6 A Horse Is a Horse of Course of Course 5

Cristina Lavosi

During her resi­d­en­cy, from June until September, she will research the cri­ti­cal and coun­ter-repre­sen­ta­ti­on of Western pre­vai­ling sys­tems of poli­ti­cal orga­ni­sa­ti­on. She will look at how visu­al and ver­bal lan­gu­a­ge is con­struc­ted and per­for­med, espe­ci­al­ly by poli­ti­cal and cul­tu­ral institutions.