Polien Boons
Studio Vaartstraat
Periode: 15.03.2024—…
Polien Boons
lives in Mechelen
and works in Brussel (B)

Polien Boons
Polien Boons’ works have a continuous tendency to analyse and deconstruct the spatial realities we inhabit, both as individuals and collectively. This way of perceiving the world, spatially rather than temporally, started for the artist when she came across Georges Perec’s Species of spaces and other pieces (1974), anyway: towns, for example, or the country- side, or the corridors of the Paris Metro, or a public park. Stated by Perec in his foreword, this quote bears a crucial feature inherent in the work of Polien — namely the fascination for the entitled superiority and control that humankind exerts over space: both conceptually (naming of galaxy systems, planets, continents, nations) as well as physically (creation of towns, streets, cities). She evokes a heightened awareness of humans’ necessity to categorize in order to acknowledge existence to other entities, which lies at the foreground of a dichotomy between culture and nature that Polien seeks to unravel in her work.
(excerpt of a text by Evelyn Simons)