Margot Van den Berghe

Studio Minckelers
Periode: 14.11.2024—…

During her stu­dies at the Textile depart­ment of LUCA School of Arts Ghent, Margot Van den Berghe wor­ked as an intern for Klaas Rommelaere on his exhi­bi­ti­on Dark Uncles at the Kortrijk tex­ti­le muse­um Texture. Since gra­du­a­ting in 2021, Margot’s work has been exhi­bi­ted at Theater Aan Zee (Oostende), Dutch Design Week (Eindhoven), C12 (Brussels) and Design Fest Ghent. She also com­ple­ted a resi­d­en­cy at Pilar (Brussels) and is cur­rent­ly devel­o­ping new work for and with Huis Perrekes, a visi­o­na­ry care cen­ter for peo­p­le with dementia.

2020 2023 Palimpsest II MARGOT2 Margot Van den Berghe3 Large green 2 DSC 1004

Margot Van den Berghe

As a tex­ti­le artist, Margot explo­res the mee­ting point of art and design, whe­re auto­no­mous and func­ti­o­nal works intertwi­ne to tell uni­que, lay­e­red sto­ries. Her prac­ti­ce focu­ses on mate­ri­als with his­to­ries, tex­ti­les gat­he­red from dona­ti­ons, found objects, and indu­stri­al rem­nants, whe­re each pie­ce car­ries its own tale. Margot works slow­ly and deli­be­ra­te­ly, mani­pu­la­ting tex­tu­res and colors to add depth and sen­so­ry rich­ness to my cre­a­ti­ons. Through her prac­ti­ce, she reflects on the­mes of time, tran­sien­ce, and sustai­na­bi­li­ty. Transforming over­loo­ked mate­ri­als into intri­ca­te surfa­ces that invi­te explo­ra­ti­on and a rene­wed appre­ci­a­ti­on of the handmade.