Camille Lemille

Studio Minckelers
Periode: 01.01.2025—…

Camille Lemille grew up in Toulouse and has lived in Belgium for over 10 years. 

She showed her work at Iselp (BE), Botanique (BE), Hectolitre (BE), Kanal Centre Pompidou (BE), BIP Liège (BE), Boverie (BE), Tour à Plomb (BE), Ateliers Mommen (BE), Hôtel Experimenta (FR) and AIE (GR).

Since 2021, she has been tea­ching at the ArBA-EsA in Brussels, whe­re she is part of the tea­ching team for the Exhibition Practices Master’s programme.

In 2022, she has been selec­ted for the Young Curator Programme at the Belgian Pavilion of the Venice Biennale, whe­re she star­ted an ongo­ing research pro­ject on the wor­king con­di­ti­ons of the Biennale’s invi­si­ble wor­kers. In the con­ti­nu­a­ti­on of this work, she is a mem­ber of the admi­ni­stra­ti­ve coun­cil of FAP (Fédération Arts Plastiques). She is also enga­ged in the cul­tu­ral spa­ce Cercle du Laveu” in Liège, whe­re she takes part in the cine­ma programmation. 

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Camille Lemille

Camille Lemille’s work focu­ses pri­ma­ri­ly on per­for­man­ce, sound and publis­hing, but also tou­ches on a broad ran­ge of media, inclu­ding screen prin­ting, video and installation.

Her work starts from the con­text that sur­rounds her, and par­ti­cu­lar­ly sen­si­ti­ve to the poli­ti­cal and soci­al issues that direct­ly affect our dai­ly lives:​How do we sleep? What are our con­di­ti­ons of work? Do we have access to housing?

The artist appro­a­ches the­se issues from a soci­o­lo­gi­cal per­spec­ti­ve, reu­sing texts and wri­ting from dif­fe­rent regis­ters. These texts can be read by a per­for­mer, screen-prin­­ted onto objects, beco­me a trans­crip­ti­on for a book, or a voi­ce for a pie­ce of sound art.

Camille col­lects texts omni­vorous­ly (from public spa­ce, the inter­net, inter­views, news media, sms, admi­ni­stra­ti­on…), befo­re using them in her com­po­si­ti­ons. The tex­tu­al mate­ri­al often is based on ele­ments of lan­gu­a­ge that seem to be per­ti­nent to our dai­ly lives, and that con­tain an absurd or poe­tic rich­ness: an Amazon com­ment for a mat­tress in a per­for­man­ce entit­led Dodo Stamp’, the thoughts of wai­tres­ses wor­king in a wine bar in Paroles de Serveuses’, admi­ni­stra­ti­ve mes­sa­ges from the city of Liège mixed with words from the resi­dents of Detroit (US) in the instal­la­ti­on Storm warning’. 

Camille Lemille works with words as mate­ri­als, in their sono­ri­ty, wri­ting, ora­li­ty and musi­ca­li­ty. Collaborating with other prac­ti­ces, she invi­tes artists from the­a­tre to music, dan­ce to the visu­al arts to col­la­bo­ra­te on her research. She built the pro­ject​‘Instructions to sweat, bet­ween digi­tal art and per­for­man­ce’ with the Paris-based visu­al artist Max Blotas.