16.06.2025, 10:00—18:00
The Dancing Table - Guillaume Jannes


Guillaume Jannes (mas­ter­class) is a Brussels-based artist and illu­stra­tor researching queer sto­ry­tel­ling and nar­ra­ti­ve struc­tu­res. Their Masterclass tit­led The Dancing Table will explo­re zine-making through expe­ri­men­tal prin­ting and wood carving. 

Combining stra­te­gies pro­po­sed by Sara Ahmed, Rita Davis and the queer his­to­ry of publis­hing the artist sub­mer­ges the par­ti­ci­pants in a moment of obli­que cre­a­ti­on. The Dancing Table, is a work­shop to col­lec­ti­ve­ly cre­a­te a table as a nar­ra­ti­ve object, star­ting from the noti­on that objects are not pas­si­ve, that they in fact have the capa­ci­ty to touch you back. It is a rela­ti­ons­hip whe­re two bodies col­li­de to tell each other a sto­ry, to make impres­si­ons on each other, to chan­ge each others ana­to­my.

The work­shop will con­sist of col­lec­ti­ve­ly car­ving into a wooden tablesurfa­ce during con­ver­sa­ti­ons about tex­tu­al and pho­to­grap­hic mate­ri­al brought by the par­tic­pants. Afterwords the artist will use the table as a prin­ting tool to make a publi­ca­ti­on/​rea­der/​zine that reflects the impres­si­ons left on this table. 


Each par­ti­ci­pant is invi­ted to bring a tex­tu­al and/​or pho­to­grap­hic con­tent to use as a sub­stan­ce for conversation.