Public programme 'How to Build a House (Windows and Doors)' - ( ) in the Mountain

in the Mountain

From September onwards Off the Grid wel­co­med The Hague-based inter­na­ti­o­nal col­lec­ti­ve of artists ( ) in the Mountain.

( ) in the Mountain is a col­lec­ti­ve of eight recent­ly gra­du­a­ted artists from various Dutch art aca­de­mies. As a group of inter­na­ti­o­nals, their prac­ti­ce explo­res the rea­li­ty of wor­king as an artist in a coun­try away from. How to find com­fort in each other’s com­pa­ny, and cre­a­te the con­di­ti­ons allo­wing for a com­mon cre­a­ti­ve pro­cess to ari­se, are among their key com­mit­ments. We are con­cerned with sen­si­ti­vi­ty, open-ended­ness and hone­sty, as some­thing that binds us together”.

In the con­text of their resi­d­en­cy at Off the Grid, they will devel­op How to Build a House with a second Chapter tit­led Windows and Doors.( ) in the Mountain ask them­sel­ves, when we look out­si­de the struc­tu­re of a home, what are we loo­king for?

Their prac­ti­ce wel­co­me what is often omit­ted, hid­den, or pus­hed asi­de, giving them­sel­ves and others artists a spa­ce for the qui­et, for all that often does not make its way to the fore­front. The col­lec­ti­ve attempts to bring their art prac­ti­ces clo­ser to their living envi­ron­ments. ( ) in the Mountain was esta­blis­hed in August 2022, and is cur­rent­ly based at De Besturing, an artist stu­dio com­plex in The Hague, NL.

The col­lec­ti­ve will con­tri­bu­te to the Seasonal Opening at Off the Grid on Thursday September 12th, with the soft launch of their resi­d­en­cy period. 

( ) in the Mountain’s resi­d­en­cy is kind­ly sup­por­ted by Stroom Den Haag.

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