SILODROME: YOU - Showcase Hynek Skoták & Tereza Holá


It ends with us. The silos of the maak­leer­plek, in all its utter beau­ty, will dis­ap­pear for the audien­ce in a whi­le. The hou­se we live in in Leuven will be sold by the owner when we lea­ve. He wants to live dif­fe­rent­ly. When we came back from France last year, all the data dis­ap­pe­a­red. Tereza lost all her sketch­books on the tram, Hyneks hard dri­ve cras­hed. It could­n’t be res­to­red, not even one pho­to. Fate keeps cle­a­ning up, but we’­re still here. Fiction has fer­ti­li­zed indu­s­trious­ness, but rea­li­ty has raped what was befo­re an infi­ni­te depth of under­stan­ding for each other. We can’t go on like this. During our resi­d­en­cy here, for the first time we dive into our clo­se coexis­ten­ce. We each cre­a­ted a spa­ce for each other. They’re more than just emp­ty cubi­cles with tra­ces of our stay. They’re mea­ning­ful. They’re full of our ener­gy. That we’­ve gat­he­red here and given to each other. Surprise!”


Tereza Holá and Hynek Skoták have known each other for 25 years. They’ve been wor­king together for the last seven years, and the last three years very clo­se­ly. The rela­ti­ons­hip is com­pli­ca­ted, and even extre­me in many ways. During their resi­d­en­cy in the silos of maak­leer­plek, for the first time Tereza and Hynek cre­a­ted work about them­sel­ves. For two months, the artists have been living together, thus explo­ring their long-stan­ding rela­ti­ons­hip in new ways and docu­men­ting the expe­rien­ce. Meanwhile, they each have been wor­king on a spa­ce, dedi­ca­ted to the other. A dou­ble rather than a duo pre­sen­ta­ti­on, sig­ni­fi­cantly cal­l­ed YOU’. The artists kept a dia­ry during their resi­d­en­cy, that they will ritu­al­ly exchan­ge on the 1st of December at 7pm.


Tereza Holá en Hynek Skoták ken­nen elkaar al 25 jaar. Ze wer­ken al zeven jaar samen, waar­van de laat­ste drie jaar heel nauw­be­trok­ken. De rela­tie is gecom­pli­ceerd en in veel opzich­ten zelfs extreem. Tijdens hun resi­den­tie in de silo’s van maak­leer­plek cre­ëer­den Tereza en Hynek voor het eerst werk over zich­zelf. Twee maan­den woon­den de kun­ste­naars samen, ver­ken­den ze hun lang­du­ri­ge rela­tie op nieu­we manie­ren en docu­men­teer­den ze de erva­ring. Ondertussen werk­ten ze elk aan een pre­sen­ta­tie voor elkaar, een ruim­te die ze opdra­gen aan de ander. Een dou­ble bill, eer­der dan een duo pre­sen­ta­tie, met de naam YOU’. De kun­ste­naars hiel­den tij­dens hun resi­den­tie een dag­boek bij, dat ze tij­dens de ver­nis­sa­ge van de pro­ject op 1 decem­ber, om 19u00, ritu­eel zul­len uitwisselen.