Beyond the Vanishing Point

Off the Grid
Periode: 22.10.2023—14.01.2024
Partnership(s): KU[N]ST Leuven
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Beyond the Vanishing Point

In the con­text of the city fes­ti­val New Horizons — Dieric Bouts’, artist Joseph Thabang Palframan was invi­ted by the City of Leuven to devel­op a com­mis­si­on that ans­wers to the ques­ti­on what does jus­ti­ce mean to you?’. The same ques­ti­on was asked pain­ter Dieric Bouts, 600 years ago, by the alder­men of Leuven. In 1468, he pain­ted the tryp­ti­que The jus­ti­ce of Emperor Otto III’ for the new­ly finis­hed town­hall. His work had to remem­ber tho­se in power of the impor­tan­ce of their judg­ment and deci­si­ons. Today, Palframan ope­ned up the ques­ti­on and invi­ted six inde­pen­dent artists, all tied to the city of Leuven in their own way, to reflect in group on this topic. The out­co­me of this joint resi­d­en­cy tra­jec­to­ry, tit­led Beyond the Vanishing Point’, will be a public pro­gram­me in the Leuven town hall star­ting on the 14 of December and ending with a two-days pre­sen­ta­ti­on on the 13th and 14th of January. 

Beyond the Vanishing Point

The vanis­hing point emer­ges when two lines con­ver­ge into a sin­gle point. It is the point beyond what the eye can see, in essen­ce, the bounda­ry of our gaze. Beyond the vanis­hing point is an invita­ti­on: to see beyond our own perspective(s), to see the other side. It is a col­lec­ti­on – of varied sto­ries, gazes, ide­as, that when balan­ced together hou­se the abi­li­ty to gene­ra­te more who­le his­to­ries, more lenient truths, and more under­stan­ding narratives.

Perhaps the point whe­re lines cross within our per­spec­ti­ves extend out­wards and con­ver­ge again, along dif­fe­rent lines, at dif­fe­rent points. We can begin to map out our inter­sec­ti­ons, each per­spec­ti­ve sit­ting within their own ran­ge, see­ing only what they can see (the points along which they cross). We can begin to look at inter­sec­ti­o­na­li­ty this way, some gazes (sco­pes) are wider, per­haps they cross mul­ti­ple points, and some gazes are smal­ler. It is sim­ply a mat­ter of how wide your per­spec­ti­ve has allo­wed you to see. 

The term emer­ging artists” has been pop­ping up a lot recent­ly. It is used to descri­be the new” , the young”, or the not yet esta­blis­hed” artist acti­vi­ty coming into our arts lands­ca­pe. It is essen­ti­al to recog­ni­ze whe­re artists are emer­ging from, to bet­ter under­stand what they want to emer­ge into. When deba­ting this topic in the Leuven City Hall, this par­ti­cu­lar group of artists con­si­de­red words like under­ground”, off-the-grid”, out­si­der”, local”. Understanding this is just the begin­ning of this con­ver­sa­ti­on, inde­pen­dent” see­med rela­ti­ve­ly approp­ri­a­te. Independent” not lea­ning towards the indi­vi­du­al but recog­ni­zing the sin­gu­lar efforts that make up the com­plex whole.”

Artist invol­ved

Aya Koné: Aya’s work often deals with the con­fron­ta­ti­on bet­ween cul­tu­re / heri­ta­ge / iden­ti­ty and the envi­ron­ments one func­ti­ons within. A body in con­ver­sa­ti­on with its sur­roun­dings. Her prac­ti­ce devel­ops as a method of repair using repe­ti­ti­on, re-trans­la­ti­on and retrieval. 

Boran Verstraete: Boran is a con­cep­tu­al, instal­la­ti­on and per­for­man­ce artist based in Tienen and Brussels and wor­king in Leuven. 

Collins Yirenkyi: Collins is a pain­ter who works bet­ween kes­sel-lo and Antwerp. He works main­ly in pain­ting but also runs a fas­hi­on label Loop of pain’. 

Jente Waerzeggers: Jente is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry artist who works with pho­to, video, sound and text.

Joseph Thabang Palframan: alt­hough main­ly wor­king with paint, Joseph’s prac­ti­ce is fluid and site-spe­­ci­­fic. So far his work has main­ly been about iden­ti­ty, post- and pre-colo­­ni­a­­list aes­the­tics and race the­o­ry from the ground up.

Lynn Havaux: Lynn’s prac­ti­ce takes pla­ce in two main pha­ses: fin­ding mate­ri­als, and then put­ting them together as a sculp­tu­re or instal­la­ti­on and the orga­nic move­ment and mate­ri­al that she finds impor­tant for fur­ther expe­ri­men­ta­ti­on and pro­cess that all blend together in her work. 

Olivier Diels: Oli is a pain­ter who explo­res mixed heri­ta­ges and jus­ti­ce and injus­ti­ce within con­tem­po­ra­ry soci­e­ty. The metap­hor of the unst­a­ble lad­der often plays a role in his work.