16-19.05: Cas-co at Antwerp Art Weekend
‘DON’T THINK TWICE, IT’S ALL RIGHT’ (met o.a. Sarah De Vos)
16/05/2024 — 16/06/2024
Gallery Sofie Van de VeldeDuring this edition of Antwerp Art Weekend, Sofie Van de Velde Gallery is presenting two “strands of looking” over the two galleries of the South and the New South.
While one exhibition will be more focused on narrative in figurative painting, the other one will touch on the momentary, in formally simple works. Reduction or enhancement— what is illuminated in production?
‘Aesthetic Echoes’ (met o.a. Sarah De Vos)
16/05/2024 — 16/06/2024
PLUS-ONE Gallery South
With Aesthetic Echoes, PLUS-ONE Gallery wants to revive the appreciation, intimacy and ritual of the iconic format. Trough paying homage to the significance of the album cover artwork, while embracing the feasibility of contemporary artistic interpretation.
In the light of the subtle yet significant role music plays within the identity of PLUS-ONE Gallery, Aesthetic Echoes seeks to revive this through juxtaposition and careful curation of the diverse artistic interpretations of a hundred artists. Each one of them will be invited to reimagine the 33-inch vinyl record cover of a number, album, artist they feel intertwined with and reflect it’s essence and their own artistic interpretation of it in this particular format.