Maria Klaassen Andrianova zoekt slaapliedjes

Lulaby poster 5

one of our
first acquain­tan­ces
with the world through
word and music. It encap­su­la­tes
the sacred cul­tu­ral codes and cros­ses
bor­ders effort­les­sly, no mat­ter how far we
go from our nati­ve land. Artist Maria Klaassen-Andrianova,
who herself lives three thou­sand kilo­me­ters away from her pla­ce of birth, looks for lul­la­bies from all over the world here in Leuven and, most impor­tant­ly, for their sto­ries of tra­vel. The recor­ded lul­la­bies and inter­views will form the basis for a new art work in honour of this rich and diver­se body of cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge and which will reflect on topics like migra­ti­on, iden­ti­ty and belonging.