02.05.2024, 11:00—17:00
Bebe Books - Materclass Queer Printing

PHOTO 2024 04 16 18 15 55

In May, Off the Grid will host a mas­ter­class by our cur­rent col­lec­ti­ve resi­dents Bebe Books.

Bebe Books is an ongo­ing col­lec­ti­ve expe­ri­ment that ope­ra­tes through sha­red agen­cy in cre­a­ti­ve labour, care and friends­hip in the field of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on design and publis­hing. In their prac­ti­ce, Bebe Books uses their cre­a­ti­ve capa­ci­ty and resour­ces to design a con­text – be it a book, a gay bar, a tem­ple, or a poli­ti­cal cam­paign – whe­re diver­se mar­gi­na­li­sed expe­rien­ces and voi­ces can be represented. 

During this mas­ter­class, Bebe Books will wel­co­me the par­ti­ci­pants into their spe­cu­la­ti­ve prin­ting ser­vi­ce Press Play, ope­ra­ting from the main exhi­bi­ti­on spa­ce of Off the Grid, which will be inau­gu­ra­ted on the 25th of April and remain open until the 15th of May.

Press Play is an open plat­form explo­ring the poten­ti­a­li­ty of queer pro­ces­ses of prin­ting. As a cri­ti­cal res­pon­se to pro­ble­ma­tics of the print cul­tu­re in the West, instru­men­ta­li­sed for the repro­duc­ti­on of nor­ma­ti­ve power, the copy sto­re brings atten­ti­on to slow, ana­chro­nis­tic, hack­ed, low-tech print tech­ni­ques. Press Play fea­tu­res various print tech­ni­ques faci­li­ta­ted through dis­tri­bu­ted agen­cy and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve labour. Furthermore, it expands the con­cept of publis­hing to inclu­de broa­der medi­ums such as rice coo­kers and cas­set­te tape recor­ders, reflec­ting the ety­mo­lo­gi­cal mea­ning of​“publis­hing” as​“to populate.” 

Participants in the mas­ter­class are encou­ra­ged to enga­ge with Press Play’s faci­li­ty in all pos­si­ble ways. We will start with a soft intro­duc­ti­on to Bebe Book’s prac­ti­ce, fol­lo­wed by a col­lec­ti­ve lunch, giving all par­ti­ci­pants time to get to know each other.

Each par­ti­ci­pant is invi­ted to bring along some­thing they would like to see mate­ri­a­li­sed in print. The par­ti­ci­pants are free to bring any text, ima­ge, or sound they hold dear or find inte­res­ting, whe­ther a love let­ters, a meme, or a song. Even the most banal prints, such as tax invoi­ces and instruc­ti­on manu­als, could be eman­ci­pa­ted through this queer process. 

Throughout the after­noon, the group will col­lec­ti­ve­ly dis­co­ver various prin­ting tech­ni­ques and tools Press Play has to offer – from the fami­liar ones, such as laser prin­ter, riso prin­ter, or silk­screen, to some sur­pri­sing ones, inclu­ding ther­mal prin­ter, rice coo­ker, cas­set­te play­er, and many more.

How to subscribe:

To ensu­re com­for­ta­ble inter­ac­ti­on and inti­ma­te sca­le, this mas­ter­class is limi­ted to 10 par­ti­ci­pants. You can sub­scri­be by fol­lo­wing this link.