COMMON DREAMS - FLOTATION SCHOOL - Wednesday Workshops - Maria Lucia Cruz Correia

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You are kind­ly invi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te in COMMON DREAMS SCHOOL, a series of wee­kly Wednesday work­shops in May with Maria Lucia Cruz Correia and pre­vious par­ti­ci­pants of the school: Steven Desanghere, Melanie Ganino, Delphine Mertens, Vitalija Povilaityte-Petri and Sarah Drapeau.

04/05, 11/05, 18/05, 25/05 from 10 am — 4 pm (with lunch), Maakleerplek Leuven, Stapelhuisstraat 13 – 15, inscrip­ti­on nee­ded through this link

More info on the school

More info on the resi­d­en­cy

Link to the call

The recent Covid-19 pan­de­mic and the pla­ne­ta­ry emer­g­en­cy is no lon­ger an ima­gi­ned con­cept of sur­vi­val, it has beco­me part of our lives. Daily we are in con­tact with the loss of a river, with the dis­ap­pe­a­ran­ce of a forest or a spa­ce dear to us. How can we move and cope within this entang­led mess and find our strength in gestu­res of reci­pro­cal care with the more than human world? 

During four ses­si­ons taking pla­ce eve­ry time in a dif­fe­rent loca­ti­on, the Common Dreams School inter­wea­ves our dreams and expe­ri­ments with sur­vi­val tools as pro­po­sals to adapt to the new­ness and the unknown that we are facing. Throughout the­se series of com­mu­nal expe­ri­ments and hands-on ritu­als and magi­cal acti­vism we will focus on resi­lient tools dea­ling with men­tal care, modes of kins­hip, mourning of dama­ged lands­ca­pes and envi­ron­men­tal justice.

During the gatherings, we will set an inten­ti­on to expe­ri­ment with dif­fe­rent methods, as an alche­mic trans­for­ma­ti­ve pro­cess, using new dia­lo­gues and voca­bu­la­ry to resist, recon­nect and act.

Each ses­si­on is acti­va­ted by the ener­gy of the four ele­ments (fire- air-earth- water), as an align­ment pro­cess with the geo­po­li­ti­cal and ter­re­stri­al cos­mo­lo­gy. Therefore, each ses­si­on will take pla­ce in situ, in a dif­fe­rent envi­ron­ment, in the forest, by the river or immer­sed in a dama­ged landscape.

The fol­lo­wing series will be a spe­ci­al edi­ti­on of the school. It is an attempt to cre­a­te a sha­ra­ble pro­cess” bet­ween edi­ti­ons. Therefore, it will have the for­mat of a con­flu­en­ce”, bet­ween the pre­vious par­ti­ci­pants of the school devel­o­ped last year in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Cifas and new participants.

For whom is this call?

Common dreams is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry school, open for thin­kers, doers, per­for­mers, researchers, enthu­si­asts, sci­en­tists, bio­lo­gists, artists, lawy­ers, eco­no­mists, acti­vists sci­en­ce, bio­lo­gy, hydro­lo­gy, envi­ron­men­tal law, acti­vism, eco­no­mics, cli­ma­to­lo­gy and any­o­ne inte­rested in ecology.

Previous edi­ti­ons:

First edi­ti­on (201718) in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Voo?uit Kunstencentrum, City of Gent, Kask school of Arts and Urban Meds

Second edi­ti­on (2019) in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Contour bien­na­le 9, Coltan as Cotton”, Straathoekwerk Mechelen and Piraten van de Dijle

Third edi­ti­on (2020) in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with far° Nyon and Head School of Arts.

Fourth edi­ti­on (202021) in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with CIFAS, Brussels