Maria Lucia Cruz Correia:
Common Dreams Flotation School

Periode: 15.03—15.05.2022

Correia’s cross-sec­to­ral and hybrid prac­ti­ce speaks to her deep enga­ge­ment with the eco­lo­gi­cal cri­ses and cli­ma­te emer­g­en­cy. She reac­ts to the envi­ron­men­tal con­flicts of our times by brin­ging audien­ces and com­mu­ni­ties into par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry labo­ra­to­ries that con­nect the artis­tic with the voi­ces of sci­en­tists, acti­vists and lawy­ers in long term inves­ti­ga­ti­on processes. 

This resi­d­en­cy is part of the pro­ject EXPAND(ed) and is sup­por­ted by the Flemish Government.


Maria Lucia Cruz Correia:
Common Dreams Flotation School

What kind of schools do we need as a gestu­re of care for the pla­ne­ta­ry? How can we form artis­tic and sci­en­ti­fic alli­an­ces in cre­a­ting learning spa­ces? How learning spa­ces, and eco­pe­da­go­gies can help us shift our unsustai­na­ble pre­sent? Do we need other ways of reci­pro­ci­ty, sup­port and also peda­go­gi­cal structures?

During the peri­od of resi­d­en­cy in maak­leer­plek, Maria Lucia Cruz Correia is desig­ning a pro­to­ty­pe – a pack­a­ge tool kit – to archi­ve the four schools which hap­pe­ned bet­ween 2016 and 2022 in four dif­fe­rent cities. The schools are trans­dis­ci­pli­na­ry exchan­ge in the for­mat of work­shops, lec­tu­res, numerous dis­cus­si­ons and embo­died expe­rien­ces as sin­ging, eating, snor­ke­ling, lis­te­ning, con­tem­pla­ting, rea­ding tarot, acti­va­ting, rebel­ling and res­to­ring. But also a moment to recon­nect, res­to­re hare emo­ti­ons, resi­lien­ce and acti­ve res­pon­ses with the natu­ral habitats.

Common Dreams:flotation school

Common Dreams:flotation school is a mobi­le pro­to­ty­pe for a sur­vi­val cli­ma­te school, that can tra­vel and adapt to other cities in col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve alli­an­ces with local uni­ver­si­ties, art insti­tu­ti­ons and sustai­na­ble organizations.

  • Structure: the school is desig­ned around a col­lec­ti­ve pro­cess in accor­dan­ce to the four ele­ments (air-water-earth-fire), as an attempt to rethink our noti­ons of sur­vi­val in rela­ti­on to geo­po­li­ti­cal earth­ly resources.
  • Fields: the appro­ach is a trans­di­ci­pli­na­re col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve pro­cess in dia­lo­gue with art stu­dents and/​or with experts from the fields of poli­ti­cal eco­lo­gy, sustai­na­bi­li­ty, eco­no­my, agri­cul­tu­re, holism, acti­vism, sci­en­ce and architecture.
  • Method: as a metho­do­lo­gy, we pro­po­se a cri­ti­cal reflec­ti­on on what “ peda­go­gy in arts” means today and can do for us, and how this appro­ach can influ­en­ce the cli­ma­te poli­ti­cal emergency.
    The main topics are : eco­pe­da­goy- eco­lo­gy-shel­ter- sustai­na­bi­li­ty-soci­al-eco­no­my- resour­ces- cosmologies.
  • Outcome: eve­ry edi­ti­on of the school has dif­fe­rent for­mat depen­ding on the loca­ti­on and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on, it can take be in the for­mat of a flo­a­ting raft on the lake, or a tend in the forest, or it sim­ply an inter­ven­ti­ons in public spa­ce or lec­tu­re and debates.