30.03.2023, 19:00—20:00
Reading on Reimagining - Doris Hardeman ft. SEA Foundation

Whats App Image 2023 03 23 at 18 21 41

Our cur­rent Off the Grid resi­dent Doris Hardeman is invi­ted to for­mu­la­te the con­tent of a rea­ding group, orga­ni­zed by our cross-bor­der part­ner SEA Foundation (Tilburg, NL). This ses­si­on marks the last rea­ding group in the fold VI. on Reimagining. Doris Hardeman sug­ge­sted the excerpt from the book Breathing: Chaos and Poetry writ­ten by Franco Bifo” Berardi. 

As we will have an hour to read and dis­cuss the text through the lens of an artis­tic prac­ti­ce, we will not read the full text, alt­hough the selec­ted snip­pets will be sha­red by the artist. You are wel­co­me to join in per­son or onli­ne. We meet on loca­ti­on at Cas-co, Vaartstraat 94, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. The onli­ne invita­ti­on and the text will be sent to regis­tered onli­ne rea­ders. Welcome!

Doris Hardeman is influ­en­ced by the gram­ma­ti­cal and mne­mo­nic struc­tu­res in lan­gu­a­ge when con­structing her visu­al voca­bu­la­ry. She descri­bes the rea­ding text as a beau­ti­ful and den­se medita­ti­on on fin­ding rhythm through bre­a­thing during the suf­fo­ca­ting cha­os which is brought up by the corp­se of finan­ci­al capitalism. 

Breathing as a poli­ti­cal act and a poe­ti­cal the­ra­py is a way to reima­gi­ne the return to har­mo­ny. Breathing is, accor­ding to Berardi, reac­ti­va­ted through poe­try which has a power to awa­ken the soci­al body and unchain com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on exchan­ge. Breathing: Chaos and Poetry fol­lows up on his pre­vious text The Uprising: On Poetry and Finance.

About the writer:

Franco Berardi, aka Bifo,” is an Italian phi­lo­sop­her and the­o­rist main­ly focu­sing on media com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and the role tech­no­lo­gy has in the post-indu­stri­al capi­ta­list sys­tem. He is a foun­der of the famous Radio Alice” in Bologna and an impor­tant figu­re of the Italian Autonomia Movement. He is a wri­ter, media the­o­rist, and media acti­vist. He cur­rent­ly tea­ches Social History of the Media at the Accademia di Brera, Milan.