The Atomium and other lessons that came from Pointillism - Joseph Thabang Palframan

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The Atomium and other les­sons that came from Pointillism,

an exhi­bi­ti­on by Joseph Thabang Palframan.

Between August 31st and September 22nd, Joseph will be pre­sen­ting « The Atomium and other les­sons that came from Pointillism », a set of four recent pain­tings in a pre­vious­ly disus­ed stor­a­ge room tur­ned pro­ject spa­ce, at the Minckelerstraat, a two minu­te walk from his stu­dio at Cas-co. 

Joseph’s pain­tings play with the expecta­ti­ons and pro­jec­ti­ons of his­to­ri­cal memo­ry, tou­rism camou­fla­ged as migra­ti­on, and forms of affec­ti­ve nati­o­na­lism. In addi­ti­on, the approp­ri­a­ti­on and cir­cu­la­ti­on of such fee­lings over­lap with sen­ses of belon­ging and com­mu­ni­ty-making through various forms of cul­tu­ral expression.

Drinks will be served. 

« Joseph con­sis­tent­ly navi­ga­tes his posi­ti­o­ning as infor­med and nou­ris­hed by his cul­tu­ral his­to­ry, and how moving bet­ween coun­tries at a young age led him to prac­ti­ce as an artist today. He takes gre­at care in detail and accu­r­a­cy, retra­cing memo­ries from Botswana or Stratford, London. But yet, he takes simi­lar if not gre­a­ter atten­ti­on to aver­ting reduc­ti­on, essen­ti­a­li­za­ti­on, and various forms of toke­nism at play in soci­e­ty and the arts […]. »

Full text is avai­la­ble during the exhibition

& on view by appointment

Casco 31 08 opening joseph web res 42
Casco 31 08 opening joseph web res 40
Casco 31 08 opening joseph web res 23
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