The Atomium and other lessons that came from Pointillism - Joseph Thabang Palframan
The Atomium and other lessons that came from Pointillism,
an exhibition by Joseph Thabang Palframan.
Between August 31st and September 22nd, Joseph will be presenting « The Atomium and other lessons that came from Pointillism », a set of four recent paintings in a previously disused storage room turned project space, at the Minckelerstraat, a two minute walk from his studio at Cas-co.
Joseph’s paintings play with the expectations and projections of historical memory, tourism camouflaged as migration, and forms of affective nationalism. In addition, the appropriation and circulation of such feelings overlap with senses of belonging and community-making through various forms of cultural expression.
Drinks will be served.
« Joseph consistently navigates his positioning as informed and nourished by his cultural history, and how moving between countries at a young age led him to practice as an artist today. He takes great care in detail and accuracy, retracing memories from Botswana or Stratford, London. But yet, he takes similar if not greater attention to averting reduction, essentialization, and various forms of tokenism at play in society and the arts […]. »
Full text is available during the exhibition
& on view by appointment