Katarina Serulus

Studio Minckelers
Periode: 09.10.2023—23.10.2024

Katarina Serulus stu­died art his­to­ry and design cul­tu­res at the KU Leuven and the VU Amsterdam. In 2016 she defen­ded at the University of Antwerp her PhD the­sis entit­led Design & Politics: The Public Promotion of Industrial Design in Postwar Belgium (19501986) that was publis­hed in 2018 by the Leuven University Press. 

She was an Associate Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (20202021) and pro­ject mana­ger at the Flanders Architecture Institute in Antwerp (20172023) whe­re she was res­pon­si­ble for the poli­cy on design archi­ves and ini­ti­a­ted the pro­ject Wiki Women Design (2020).

Serulus also (co)curated seve­r­al design exhi­bi­ti­ons. She was the cura­tor of the exhi­bi­ti­on Panorama: A History of Modern Design in Belgium (Design Museum Brussels, 2017) and Designing the Night. Graphic Design and Belgian Club Culture 1970 – 2000’ (Design Museum Brussels, 2019). She co-cura­ted the first com­pre­hen­si­ve over­view of the design his­to­ry of the night­club Night Fever. Designing Club Culture 1960 to today’ together with Cat Rossi and Jochen Eisenbrand that ope­ned at the Vitra Design Museum in 2018 and tour­ed until 2022

She is cur­rent­ly wor­king as co-cura­tor on the new col­lec­ti­on pre­sen­ta­ti­on at the Design Museum Ghent that will open in 2026.

03 VDM Night Fever Paolo Mussat Sartor Foto serulus Designing the night 2 1 Biennale Interieur 2016 2 Panorama 1

Katarina Serulus

Katarina Serulus research inte­rests inclu­de nati­o­nal dis­cour­ses, gen­der, trans­na­ti­o­nal net­works, club cul­tu­re and non-dis­ci­pli­na­ry prac­ti­ces in the field of design, archi­tec­tu­re and visu­al culture.