Maria Madeira / Detail Company:
Cracks in the wood (2025)
Periode: 09—13.10.2023
Maria Madeira is a multitalented artist and works mainly as a dance acrobat. She finished her bachelor in circus arts at Acapa in 2020 and has been active in the field by participating in several performances: What’s left by Overhead Company, Softies by Hanna Mampuys/fABULEUS, 13 Harbinger Road by Hendrik Van Maele/TENT and Chaim by There There Company. Maria has been part of Detail Company since 2023, with whom she will create her first performance Cracks in the wood (2025).
Detail Company is a contemporary movement company that focuses on the different components of an entirety. As a platform collective Detail Company connects and supports different circus artists. Currently: Margot Jansens, Maria Madeira and Manon Verplancke. Detail Company is a home for several circus artists that provides a safe but incentive environment.
Partnership(s): CIRKLABO
Maria Madeira / Detail Company:
Cracks in the wood (2025)
Is it possible to break out of tap dance conventions by connecting it with acrobatics and contemporary circus?
Acrobat Maria Madeira is fascinated by the power of details within performances and how they can impact movement and emotion. Besides being busy performing she has a varied movement/body practice passing through dance, roller skating and she has been part of a choir and using the voice in different projects — she lets these practices influence how she thinks, creates and approaches her work — making her a versatile artist.
Maria now breathes new life into an old fascination. She has often been fascinated by tap dance. But often she felt it was too static and very tied to its own style, linked to jazz dance and musicals and often failed to break from these conventions. Maria investigates how to break with convention and searches for the connection point between tap dance and acrobatics.
For this week ́s residency/research at Cirklabo, Maria will be working together with Thijs Van Scharea drummer, composer and producer based in Brussels. Rooted in jazz and beat drumming, his interest lies at the intersection between organic spontaneity and off grid produced music. As an outside ear Thijs will be working on rhythm exploration, improvisation and tools to explore rhythm and how to apply it to tap dancing.