M-Resident Lola Daels in COLLECT Magazine (oktober 23)

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The for­got­ten pie­tra dura’, the craft of cre­a­ting detai­led dra­wings by inlaying semi-pre­cious sto­nes, cau­ght the ima­gi­na­ti­on of artist Lola Daels. Step by step, she dis­co­ver­ed the secret tricks of the tra­de. Although things star­ted to move for­ward when she took a cour­se with the British res­to­rer Thomas Greenaway. This love for craft stems from her inte­rest in authen­ti­ci­ty. Through my work I let the vie­wer think about the mea­ning of con­cepts such as authen­ti­ci­ty, value and uni­que­ness in our glo­ba­li­sed soci­e­ty, but also about our urge to col­lect objects,” she says. In 2022, Lola Daels had her first solo exhi­bi­ti­on at Kusseneers Gallery. In the mean­ti­me, the Middelheim muse­um bought two works of her; one has a per­ma­nent pla­ce in the Antwerp sculp­tu­re park. With 150,3 kg CO2’ (2022), I make peo­p­le think about the role of giants like Shell, about the Anthropocene or the irre­ver­si­ble human impact on the pla­net,” she says. This eco­lo­gi­cal appro­ach has slow­ly beco­me a cru­ci­al part of Daels’ oeu­vre. Although I have often thought whe­ther if it would not be bet­ter to beco­me an acti­vist, I am now con­vin­ced that I can deli­ver the same mes­sa­ge with my art, but to a dif­fe­rent audien­ce. Thanks to my art, I can com­bi­ne my com­mit­ment with my love for beau­ti­ful objects.” 

Read the full inter­view with Lola in the October Issue of Collect Magazine.