04.05.2023, 18:00—22:00
+ opening Doris Hardeman / Lot Louis Veelenturf (invited by Syzygy Collective)

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The ope­ning of EXIT’ by Doris Hardeman on the fourth of May is accom­pa­nied by an artist talk at 7 pm. This event is part of the Let’s Talk Leuven, a plat­form for artist talks in Leuven, orga­ni­sed by STUK, SLAC, Museum M and Cas-co. Next to this, you can attend Queer Erotica Reading by Lot Louis Veelenturf at 8 pm. They are invi­ted by Syzygy Collective, our cur­rent OTG-resi­dents, to per­form texts as the first acti­va­ti­on of the col­lec­ti­ve’s resi­d­en­cy trajectory.

About Doris Hardeman

Doris Hardeman (°1993, Rheden, NL) lives and works in Brussels. Through the media of sculp­tu­re, wri­ting and instal­la­ti­on, Doris’s con­cep­tu­al and mate­ri­al research departs from the hete­ro­to­pic spa­ce that balan­ces on the bor­ders of both the per­so­nal and the com­mer­ci­al struc­tu­res of soci­e­ty. Through col­lec­ting, repro­du­cing, and recon­tex­tu­a­li­sing objects, she attempts to cre­a­te anec­do­tal yet poe­tic sce­na­ri­os that latch onto soci­al issues sur­roun­ding today’s indu­stri­al manu­fac­tu­ra­bi­li­ty. Within the cre­a­ti­on of the­se sce­na­ri­os, which are intertwi­ned with mythi­cal refe­ren­ces and set in con­tem­po­ra­ry fra­me­works, Doris sear­ches for a means to reflect on how objects can sha­pe the way we rela­te to time and the­re­by fra­me the per­cep­ti­on of our sur­roun­dings. Paying clo­se atten­ti­on to the broad ver­sa­ti­li­ty of mate­ri­als in terms of crafts­mans­hip and the mass pro­duc­ti­on indu­stries, her works play with the authen­ti­ci­ty, uti­li­ty, prac­ti­ca­li­ty and the ori­gi­nal value of her cho­sen mate­ri­als, ampli­fying con­no­ta­ti­ons con­cerning the indu­stri­al manu­fac­tu­ra­bi­li­ty of our pre­sent time.

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About Lot Louis Veelenturf

Lot Louis Veelenturf (they/​them) is a wri­ter, trans­la­tor and sex edu­ca­tor. In their work, they inves­ti­ga­te iden­ti­ty, inti­ma­cy and desi­re by diving into the (onli­ne) archi­ves of les­bi­an maga­zi­nes from the 1980s and ero­tic sto­ry col­lec­ti­ons from the 1990s, among others. In addi­ti­on, Lot Louis tea­ches the cour­se Queering Literature at Creative Writing ArtEZ, gives work­shops Queer(ing) Erotica and tea­ches sex edu­ca­ti­on for the InDifferent Foundation at seconda­ry schools and mbo’s. Lot Louis publis­hed in WMN zine, Zink and on Hard/​/​head, among others, and per­for­med at Perdu, Frontaal and Wijsgerig Festival Drift.

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