09.12.2023, 14:00—19:00
Finissage Fringe - Francisco Correia, Domingo, Petticoat Government, Sarah & Jonas, Antoinette Jattiot, Kenzo Tokuoka

Opening fringe casco web res 125

On the occa­si­on of the finis­sa­ge of Fringe (the off-pro­gram­me of the city fes­ti­val​‘New Horizons — Dieric Bouts’) Off the Grid will orga­ni­ze a series of events; the inau­gu­ra­ti­on of a new flag, an artist talk, a lis­te­ning ses­si­on and a per­for­man­ce. Welcome at Cas-co on Sat. 9.12, 2 – 7 pm, to dis­co­ver all the exhi­bi­ti­ons, scree­nings, talks and prac­ti­ces. Afterwards, STUK and Veduta are orga­ni­zing a fes­ti­ve clo­sing event from 8 pm to 1 am, Ocean of Sound’, a 4D lis­te­ning ses­si­on with Aisha Devi and Zoë MC Pherson, fol­lo­wed by a par­ty with leop4rdi, Summer Satana and Mankiyan. 

Programme Off the Grid at Cas-co:

14:00 ‑Curatorial talk by Antoinette Jattiot

15:00 — Inauguration of Flag #4: Petticoat Government, Leuven’ at Stroom (J.P. Minckelersstraat 192)

16:00 — Listening ses­si­on by Domingo

17:00 — Artist talk by Francisco Correia (Let’s Talk Leuven)

18:00 — Performance by Kenzo Tokuoka (CIRKLABO)