Domingo Collective

Off the Grid
Periode: 25.09—31.12.2023

Domingo Collective was foun­ded in Geneva in 2018 by Doris Hardeman, Jerlyn Heinzen, Salomé Ziehli and Natacha de Oliveira. Their mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry research cen­tres around gene­ra­ting col­lec­ti­vi­ty through ritu­al beha­vi­our. Through a desi­re to explo­re the mea­nings of home­li­ness in our con­tem­po­ra­ry soci­e­ty, they zoom in on the mun­da­ne of the everyday. 

Their work has been shown in seve­r­al insti­tu­ti­ons and per­for­ma­ti­ve arts fes­ti­vals, inclu­ding la Becque in La Tour-de-peilz, CH, Hamlet in Zürich, CH, Giulietta in Basel, CH, One gee in fog in Geneva, CH, Festival de la Bâtie in Geneva, CH, at f’ar – Forum d’architectures in Lausanne, CH and Artemis Fontana Café at Art Basel, CH.

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Domingo Collective

Through the means of col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve cre­a­ti­on Domingo Collective is con­stant­ly ques­ti­o­ning the limits of col­lec­ti­vi­ty, gene­ro­si­ty and ser­vi­ce through revi­sing their col­lec­ti­ve role in rela­ti­on to their audien­ce. Domingo per­forms on a con­sis­tent thres­hold rela­ting to expecta­ti­ons regar­ding for­mats of the­a­tri­ca­li­ty. Immediate ques­ti­ons regar­ding their enga­ge­ment with an audien­ce and the brea­king of a fourth wall beco­me a dri­ving for­ce to how they cre­a­te their per­for­ma­ti­ve prac­ti­ce, in which they see them­sel­ves first and fore­most as medi­a­tors bet­ween the audien­ce and the work.