21.06.2022, 12:30—13:30
Ilse Roosens (Mu.ZEE)

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Op 21 juni ont­vangt Cas-co Ilse Roosens, cura­tor in Mu.ZEE. Van 12u30 tot 13u30 stelt ze haar prak­tijk en werk­wij­ze voor. Bring your own lunch & van har­te wel­kom voor een gesprek.

Ilse Roosens is a cura­tor cur­rent­ly wor­king at Mu.ZEE in Ostend (BE), the muse­um for modern and con­tem­po­ra­ry Belgian art. Post-colo­ni­al, geo­po­li­ti­cal, eco­fe­mi­nist and post-capi­ta­list topics lay the ground­work for her work both insi­de and out­si­de the muse­um. Ilse Roosens ques­ti­ons exis­ting power struc­tu­res and focu­ses on the soci­al res­pon­si­bi­li­ty of insti­tu­ti­ons, govern­ments and artists. Co-author­ship and polypho­ny are focal points of her wor­king ethic. She is acti­ve­ly rethin­king the for­mats for pre­sen­ting col­lec­ti­ons by expe­ri­men­ting with trans­his­to­ri­cal and trans­cul­tu­ral concepts.

At Mu.ZEE Ilse Roosens cura­ted exhi­bi­ti­ons such as Maarten Vanden Eynde — Digging up the Future’ (2021) together with Katerina Gregos, Wintrum Frod. Orla Barry & Els Dietvorst’ (2019), Frans Masereel and con­tem­po­ra­ry art: ima­ges of resis­tan­ce’ (2017) and Carsten Höller. Videoretrospective with Two Lightmachines’ (2016). She publis­hed seve­r­al cata­lo­gues and cura­ted dif­fe­rent public pro­gram­mes accom­pan­ying the exhi­bi­ti­ons. In 2018 she co-foun­ded the MEER cura­to­ri­al col­lec­ti­ve, focu­sing on artists wor­king with video and per­for­man­ce art. Prior to Mu.ZEE she wor­ked at S.M.A.K. Ghent and Extra City Kunsthal in Antwerp and as a free­lan­ce cura­tor and mediator.