
Workspace Labo Master Class1 Sarah Charles

Starting from their prac­ti­ce as visu­al artists, Sarah & Charles invi­te stu­dents & pro­fes­si­o­nal artists to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a two day work­shop mer­ging influ­en­ces of visu­al arts with per­for­ming arts into pro­po­sals for sta­ge design. Inspiration is drawn from both the sculp­tu­ral object and the moving body, to get hold of the ten­si­on field bet­ween both. The charac­te­ris­tic of cer­tain objects and sta­ge ele­ments, func­ti­o­ning as oppo­nents in per­for­man­ces, are being sought out in order to under­stand their visu­al and nar­ra­ti­ve qua­li­ty. Improvisations are then com­pres­sed into con­cre­te pro­po­sals for set design on sta­ge. How can an idea for cho­re­o­grap­hy or dra­ma­tur­gy gui­de you towards a cer­tain choi­ce of set-design? But also, how can a cer­tain line-up of objects, fabrics, and light-and sta­ge ele­ments influ­en­ce your take on a piece?


Who: mixed group of mas­ter stu­dents dra­ma, stu­dents music & resi­dents STUDIO visu­al arts & PODIUM podi­um arts Cas-co – max. 14 persons