26.03.2022, 15:00—19:00
My Goals Are Bigger Than Yours: Vernissage Davide Ghelli Santuliana

Cas co MERZ 1

MERZ (com­pa­ny launch)

March 26 & April 2

On the 26th of March, the artist and cre­a­ti­ve entre­pre­neur Davide Ghelli Santuliana laun­ches his new com­pa­ny MERZ, a glo­bal busi­ness that allows digi­tal nomads to rent a living and co-wor­king unit in one the com­pa­ny’s loca­ti­ons world­wi­de. MERZ will offer a new take on what it means to be a free­lan­cer, a self-employ­ed cre­a­ti­ve, a glo­bal fla­neur sur­fing through the meta­ver­se and, final­ly, a human being. During the ope­ning times, a MERZ pro­mo­ter will be avai­la­ble for ques­ti­ons about the busi­ness, gui­ding the visi­tors through the com­pa­ny’s innovations.

Why Lying Flat is the Key to Revolution — Mel Chan (live performance)

March 265pm

As part of the busi­ness launch event, guest spea­ker Mel Chan (www​.mel​chan​.com) will be invi­ted to give a talk on Why Lying Flat is the Key to Revolution”. 

Davide Ghelli Santuliana

Davide Ghelli Santuliana is a mul­ti­me­dia artist and researcher based in Amsterdam (NL). His prac­ti­ce spans across dif­fe­rent media, from moving-ima­ges, to text, to sound design. In his research he is most­ly inte­rested in ana­ly­zing the effects of semio­ca­pi­ta­lism on the indi­vi­du­als, in its soci­al, eco­no­mic and poli­ti­cal effects, but also the inter­sec­ti­on bet­ween semio­ca­pi­ta­lism and artis­tic pro­duc­ti­on. For this rea­son, he often employs dif­fe­rent approp­ri­a­ti­on stra­te­gies — from a direct remix of found ima­ges, to cita­ti­on and re-enac­te­ment of exis­ting motives.

My Goals Are Bigger Than Yours

This pro­ject is part of Season #5 in Off the, Grid: My Goals Are Bigger Than Yours, orga­ni­zed by artists David Ghelli Santuliana, Valentino Russo, Cathleen Owens, Carmen Dusmet Carrasco & Arthur Cordier.