08.09.2024, 11:00—17:00
Open Monumentendag: Open Studio in Villa Stuyven en kunstroute vanaf maakleerplek

Beeld maakleerplek Michiel De Cleene

Alle wegen lei­den naar Leuven / All roads lead to Leuven


On Sunday September 8th Leuven is host city for Open Monument Day, more than 800 monu­ments in Flanders will open their doors for this 36th edi­ti­on. Cas-co com­mu­ni­ty artists are glad to be con­tri­bu­ting to it with open stu­dios and Performative Guided Tours!

Villa Stuyven: Open Studio Denys Shantar
from 11:00 to 17:00, Sint-Geertruibos 16, Holsbeek 3220

First stop, Villa Stuyven is a bru­ta­list artis­t’s hou­se, tuck­ed away in the green of a sta­te­ly resi­den­ti­al area in Holsbeek. Until recent­ly, this was the home of artist and phi­lo­sop­her Jef Stuyven. In 2021, the buil­ding was sold to artist and desig­ner Bram Kerkhofs and art faci­li­ta­tor Lore Baeyens. The duo reno­va­ted the hou­se with care and atten­ti­on to the ori­gi­nal archi­tec­tu­re and with the aim of sti­mu­la­ting col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and exchan­ge with other art pro­fes­si­o­nals. Every sum­mer they recei­ve an artist who can work in pea­ce and free­dom and enter into a dia­lo­gue with the par­ti­cu­lar envi­ron­ment. In recent weeks, Lore Stessel and Benjamin Mengistu Navet have pre­vious­ly been staying in the house. 

Denys Shantar is the cur­rent Artist-in-resi­den­ce at Cas-co. His prac­ti­ce departs from his memo­ries and fami­ly his­to­ry, deploying dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als and tech­ni­ques to cre­a­te nar­ra­ti­ves laying bet­ween rea­li­ty and fic­ti­on. In his research about child­hood, reli­gi­on, migra­ti­on, and queer­ness, he links the per­so­nal to cur­rent glo­bal but also his­to­ri­cal events, wea­ving in sym­bols from mytho­lo­gy, art his­to­ry, fol­klo­re and Christianity. Denys uses pre­do­mi­nant­ly recy­cled, gif­ted, or found fabric and mate­ri­als, often inclu­ding reli­gious iconography.

His three month resi­d­en­cy peri­od will cul­mi­na­te in a pre­sen­ta­ti­on and public pro­gram­me unfol­ding at Cas-co bet­ween the 12th and 22nd of September, as well as a con­tri­bu­ti­on during Open Monument Day on September 8th, on view at Villa Stuyven.

On Open Monument Day you are warm­ly invi­ted to visit at Villa Stuyven for a cof­fee visit, as well as a walk around the his­to­ri­cal hou­se, as part of an intro­duc­ti­on to Denys’ upco­ming pre­sen­ta­ti­on at Cas-co.

VILLASTUYVEN jeroenverrecht 2056

© Jeroen Verrecht

Maakleerplek: Performative Guided Tours

star­ting at 14:30, 15:30, and 16:30, depar­ting from maak­leer­pek, Stapelhuisstraat 13 – 15 3000 Leuven.

A per­for­man­ce by Erik Kamaletdinov, with works by Koba de Meutter, Amber Roucourt, Sarah & Jonas, Joseph Thabang Palframan, Jan Van Eijgen, Lieselotte Vloeberghs, & more.

Following the visit at Villa Stuyven, you are warm­ly invi­ted to join the artists at maak­leer­plek for con­se­cu­ti­ve Performative Guided Tours lead by Erik Kamaletdinov.

Along the the­me All the ways lead to Leuven, the gui­ded tour will start as a con­ven­ti­o­nal tour, and gra­du­al­ly drift towards some­thing ima­gi­na­ry or unsett­ling, at the edge of what can be con­si­de­red relia­ble or fac­tu­al. This will be an ima­gi­na­ry pro­me­na­de, slightly fast-paced, descri­bed through the eyes of a per­for­mer that makes-up the rea­li­ty sur­roun­ding them. 

The walk draws inspi­ra­ti­on from the 1972 book Invisible Cities, by Italian wri­ter Italo Calvino and the con­cept of Strollology. Strollology or Promenadology is the sci­en­ce of strol­ling as a method in the field of aes­the­tics and cul­tu­ral stu­dies with the aim of beco­ming awa­re of the con­di­ti­ons of per­cep­ti­on of the envi­ron­ment and enhan­ce­ment of envi­ron­men­tal perception. 

Thanks to the uni­que loca­ti­on around the Vaartkom, along the canal and pla­ces of fer­men­ta­ti­on, such as the bre­we­ries, the pro­me­na­de links the prac­ti­ce of artists with that of the his­to­ri­cal monuments. 

Beeld maakleerplek Michiel De Cleene
Erik Kamaletdinov

Let Erik Kamaletdinov be your guide !

Tour start from maak­leer­plek at 14:30 – 15:30 and 16:30.

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