Try-out 'Glaciers are Anachronistic' - Siemen Vangaubergen
Siemen van Gaubergen presents Glaciers are anachronistic (try-out), a trial presentation at Cas-co of the artist most recent research in Greenland.
“My name is Soren, and I was part of building the road. Mostly the construction side of the soil job, the gravel and stuff like that. And later on transportation up on the icecap. And building the road up on the ice cap, but something some questions that I don’t want to answer because I actually signed up on a paper that, the details about what was to be tested and stuff like that. I will not talk about that.”
Greenland July 2024
The presentation is on view Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, in the presence of the artist. Siemen’s project is supported by Stad Leuven.