In de Maak:
Festival 2021

Periode: 01—14.03.2021

plat­form in de maak is a flo­a­ting struc­tu­re for and by new makers in the per­for­ming arts. In a field with gaps bet­ween ambi­ti­on and pos­si­bi­li­ty of pre­sen­ta­ti­on, the plat­form wants to build brid­ges to lend a face to star­ting makers. It builds a net­work in which new work can be shown and sup­por­ted and in which spa­ce is cre­a­ted for fruit­ful dialogue.

Partnership(s): 30CC
IN DE MAAK Tom Herbots IN DE MAAK 2 Tom Herbots IN DE MAAK 3 Tom Herbots IN DE MAAK 4 Tom Herbots

In de Maak:
Festival 2021

During the in de maak fes­ti­val of 2021 the artist could use the sha­red workspa­ces of Cas-co to pro­du­ce and pre­pa­re the festival.