Laurie-Anne Jaubert:
La Lumitérale

Periode: 27.09—30.11.2021
Partnership(s): Werktank
Lucia Infernalis Infernalis 1

Laurie-Anne Jaubert:
La Lumitérale

Through seve­r­al recent resear­ches I ques­ti­on par­ti­cu­lar­ly the qua­li­ty of our rela­ti­ons­hip with tech­no­lo­gy. Technology in the sen­se of digi­tal media, how they alter our rela­ti­ons­hip to rea­li­ty, how using them insidi­ous­ly modi­fies our bodies, our way of appre­hen­ding the world, how they sha­pe our soci­al rela­ti­ons­hips, why we make room for them, how they ampli­fy our pro­jec­ti­ons and con­se­quent­ly how in turn we con­stant­ly cor­rect them until their com­ple­ti­on: incor​po​ra​ti​on​.My pro­duc­ti­ons are like bre­a­ches, pre­li­mi­na­ry inter­s­ti­ces to this com­ple­ti­on whe­re seman­tic defi­ni­ti­ons beco­me con­fu­sed and contaminated.

During this research-cre­a­ti­on-pro­duc­ti­on resi­d­en­cy I will cre­a­te a visu­al, sound and inter­ac­ti­ve instal­la­ti­on entit­led La Lumitérale. In a dar­kened spa­ce, 3D ani­ma­ti­ons will be pro­jec­ted onto semi-transpa­rent devi­ces inspi­red by the wri­tings of ancient phi­lo­so­p­hi­cal the­o­ries of per­cep­ti­on (the­o­ry of intro­mis­si­on), as well as Didi Huberman’s essays on appa­ri­ti­on. It will be an expe­rien­ti­al, con­tem­pla­ti­ve fable, an ini­ti­a­to­ry moment dea­ling with our trou­b­led rela­ti­ons­hip to light and mat­ter through digi­tal media.”