12.05.2023, 18:00—22:00
Screening programme: 'on earth, water, air, fire & the void'

TALK second image Ahmed

The clas­si­cal ele­ments typi­cally refer to earth, water, air, fire, and (later) aether which were pro­po­sed to explain the natu­re and com­plexi­ty of all mat­ter in terms of sim­pler sub­stan­ces. Ancient cul­tu­res in Greece, Tibet, and India had simi­lar lists which some­ti­mes refer­red, in local lan­gu­a­ges, to air” as wind” and the fifth ele­ment as void”.

Werktank and Cas-co co-orga­ni­ze a lec­tu­re and scree­ning pro­gram­me on the role of the five ele­ments in emer­ging artis­tic prac­ti­ces, fea­tu­ring artists Haseeb Ahmed, Doris Hardeman, Club Efemeer, Laurie-Anne Jaubert, Elise Eeraerts&Roberto Aparicio Ronda. How do artists nowa­days appro­ach the­se ele­men­ta­ry key-sto­nes that sha­pe their envi­ron­ment and thus, also their prac­ti­ces? Five resi­dent (col­lec­ti­ves) selec­ted video work (whe­ther or not their own) that rela­tes to this topic and ser­ves as the base for fur­ther dialogue. 


  • 7.00 pm: intro by Anna Laganovska
  • 7.25 pm: scree­ning Luc‑I.A.’, an ani­ma­ted video by Laurie-Anne Jaubert
  • 7.45 pm: frag­ments of The Sand Reckoner’, a work-in-pro­gress by Haseeb Ahmed
  • 8.15 pm: scree­ning of Recursive Volumes’, a video on the making of an epo­ny­mous sculp­tu­ral series by Elise Eeraerts & Roberto Aparicio Ronda
  • 9.00 pm: scree­ning of Koyaanisqatsi’, an expe­ri­men­tal docu­men­ta­ry by Godfrey Reggio (selec­ted by Club Efemeer)
  • 9.30 pm: scree­ning The Metaverse in Janky Capitalism’, an onli­ne video essay by Daniel Felstead (selec­ted by Doris Hardeman)


This pro­gram­me rela­tes to seve­r­al pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, simul­ta­neous­ly on dis­play in the city of Leuven: The Library of the Winds’ by Ahmed and La Lumitérale’ by Jaubert in KADOC; EXIT’, a solo pre­sen­ta­ti­on by Hardeman in Off the Grid and like sna­kes, the roots of trees, coil them­sel­ves from rock and sand’ by Eeraerts&Aparicio Ronda in STUK Manhattan.