Showcase: Interval Wiper Switch @ Whitehouse Gallery

Interval Wiper Switch

Interval wiper switch is a per­for­ma­ti­ve instal­la­ti­on whe­re the per­for­mer makes dra­wings that are era­sed by a wind­s­creen wiper. The dra­wings refer to the psy­cho­lo­gy of the occu­pants. They look through a screen at the pas­sing landscape.The artists inves­ti­ga­te the inter­ac­ti­on bet­ween video pro­jec­ti­on, dra­wing, move­ment and sound. The instal­la­ti­on com­bi­nes, through the alter­na­ting rhythm bet­ween lay­e­ring and transpa­ren­cy, human inter­ac­ti­on with an arti­fi­ci­al rea­li­ty, cre­a­ted by a mecha­ni­cal envi­ron­ment. The pro­ject will per­form during the ver­nis­sa­ge of Line Boogaerts’ exhi­bi­ti­on Behind the Line at Whitehouse Gallery.

Interval Wiper Switch is the first pro­duc­ti­on tied to the new cross-sec­to­ral pro­gram­me that will be devel­o­ped over the coming years in Cas-co.

Interval Wiper Switch