Line Boogaerts & Ine Claes:
Interval Wiper Switch

Line Boogaerts & Ine Claes:
Interval Wiper Switch
INTERVAL WIPER SWITCH is an installation with a car windscreen. The performer makes drawings that are erased by a windshield wiper.The drawings refer to the psychology of the occupants.They look through a screen at the sliding landscape.
Line Boogaerts and Ine Claes investigate the interaction between video projection, drawing, movement and sound. Through the alternating rhythm between layering and transparency, the installation combines human interaction with an artificial reality created by a mechanical environment.
INTERVAL WIPER SWITCH was shown for the first time as a performance the 5th of July 2020 in Whitehouse Gallery, for the big launch of the new cross-sectoral & multidisciplinary residency programme of Cas-co. In February 2021 it was shown as an installation during REFLECTIE, a vitrine exposition in context of the Off the, Grid programme.