12.12.2024, 18:00—23:00
Soft Launch - Ívar Glói Gunnarsson Breiðfjörð

Casco 7 11 ivar web res 19
Casco 7 11 ivar web res 24

Artist Ívar Glói Gunnarsson Breiðfjörð will intro­du­ce his wor­king pro­ces­ses during the Soft Launch of his resi­d­en­cy, lea­ding up to the ope­ning of his pre­sen­ta­ti­on at Off the Grid on January 22nd.

During his resi­d­en­cy peri­od, Ívar looks at the archi­tec­tu­re of pro­to-ver­na­cu­lar sta­ge design, props of café-cul­tu­re, and cul­tu­ral tou­rism, as well as their rela­ti­on to mass-pro­duc­ted olfac­to­ry sent. As part of the Soft Launch, which intro­du­ces the wor­king pro­ces­ses of the artist, you are invi­ted to dis­co­ver the first out­line of Ívar’s presentation. 

How does the mass-pro­duc­ti­on of gene­ric sent and goods cre­a­te indi­vi­du­a­li­sed and per­so­na­li­sed cul­tu­ral expe­rien­ces? Where can we draw the line bet­ween authen­ti­ci­ty and standar­di­sa­ti­on, are among the key ques­ti­ons rai­sed in the artist’s presentation.

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