Ívar Glói Gunnarsson Breiðfjörð
Off the Grid
Periode: 07.10.2024—16.02.2025
Ívar studeerde aan Luca School of Arts, waar hij een Master in Fine Arts volgde, aan de Iceland University of the Arts, waar hij zijn Bachelor in Fine Arts in 2014 voltooide, evenals aan de Hochschule für bildende Künste (HFBK) in Hamburg en de Konsthögskolan in Malmö. Op dit moment woont hij in Brussel.
Ívar Glói Gunnarsson Breiðfjörð’s (b. 1992, Wiesbaden) studied at the Iceland University of the Arts, where he completed his BA in Fine Arts in 2014, Hochschule für bildende Künste (HFBK) in Hamburg and Konsthögskolan i Malmö. He currently lives in Brussels after having completed his MFA in Fine Arts from Luca School of Arts.
Partnership(s): BAC art lab
Ívar Glói Gunnarsson Breiðfjörð
Ívar Glói Gunnarsson Breiðfjörð (1992) richt zich in zijn recente werk op de hyperverbonden wereld van massale automatisering, de standaardisatie van onze omgeving en zoektocht naar authenticiteit die daaruit volgt. Technologie zou ons leven vereenvoudigen, maar heeft eerder het tegenovergestelde bereikt.
In 2023 won Ívar de CAS-CO BAC award. De prijs wordt elk jaar uitgereikt aan een veelbelovende jonge kunstenaar die afstudeert aan LUCA School of Arts. De winnaar krijgt o.a. een residentie in BAC ART LAB en Cas-co, en financiële steun.
His recent work concerns itself with today’s hyperconnected world of mass automation, the standardization of our surroundings and the subsequent search for the “authentic”. In light of the fact that technology, despite its promise to simplify our lives, has rather done the opposite, it becomes again important to question how artists and their art objects should act. In his object oriented approach to sculpture, each work takes on a different role as an actor, props, gesture, atmospherics etc that form alliances with each other, emanating an information network with its own self contained logic. As all general places have clear connotations as to their function and identity, filled with agents that make up the logic of what the place is, an art exhibition has the advantage of not having clear intention. Thus, it can resist any preconceived expectation an art viewer might have as well as any form of sincere gesture. How fictional or artificial are our surroundings, and, anyway, do we even mind that? Probably not.
In 2023, Ívar won the CAS-CO BAC award. The prize is awarded every year to a promising young artist graduating from LUCA School of Arts. The winner will receive, among other things, a residency in BAC ART LAB and Cas-co, and financial support.