Benjamin Seror:
The Marsyas Hour

Periode: 01—18.11.2015

Benjamin Seror (° 1979, Lyon, France) lives in Brussels (Belgium).

Partnership(s): M Leuven

Benjamin Seror:
The Marsyas Hour

In his per­for­man­ces, whe­re speech is the prin­ci­pal sub­ject and tool, Seror often nar­ra­tes long impro­vi­sed sto­ries inspi­red by a mix of phant­oms of lite­ra­tu­re, art his­to­ry and eve­ry­day adven­tu­res. The sto­ries he tells often lead the audien­ce far into the heart of the Inferno or to dan­cing all night long to the deli­ca­te sound of the Perfect Kiss by New Order. Also a musi­cian, Seror plays dif­fe­rent instru­ments, bac­king up his nar­ra­ti­ves with emo­ti­ve songs that switch modes of lan­gu­a­ge, under­li­ning the com­plexi­ty of what it can do.