UFO Visitor #1: Marie de Gaulejac (Triangle, Marseille)

Marie de Gaulejac credit Frederic Blancart

I have a back­ground as an artist gra­du­a­ted from the high­school Beaux-Arts of Lyon in 2007, then I wor­ked in various fields of art ran­ging from art gal­lery in Brussels, to non pro­fit bet­ween Brussels and Paris, then assis­tant cura­tor of the Rennes Biennial alongsi­de Zoë Gray in 2014 and François Pron in 2016. In 2017, I was inte­rim direc­tor at La Loge during Anne-Claire Schmitz’s mater­ni­ty leave.

What are you cur­rent­ly wor­king on?

I’m a cura­tor in char­ge of artists resi­den­ce at Triangle Astérides, con­tem­po­ra­ry art cen­ter in Marseille, FR

How would you defi­ne your practice?

The posi­ti­on of resi­d­en­cy mana­ger is at the heart of the mul­ti­pli­ci­ty of artis­tic prac­ti­ces, wel­co­ming the gre­a­test diver­si­ty, requi­ring lis­te­ning, know­led­ge and the abi­li­ty to sha­re skills and reflexes of pro­fes­si­o­nal networking.

How do you see your rela­ti­ons­hip with artists?

With 10 years of expe­rien­ce in accom­pan­ying artists, sup­por­ting them and fol­lo­wing their careers, I am con­vin­ced today that I want to con­ti­nue my com­mit­ments to them. To keep con­ti­nuing ima­gi­ning pro­jects, col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons and dialogues.

What do you expect from the UFO visi­tors programme?

Meet artists, new prac­ti­ces and build rela­ti­ons­hips and net­work. Keep a link with Belgium and its artis­tic wealth. Also I’m very curious to dis­co­ver the dif­fe­rent ways of wor­king ethi­cally and rich­ly with other collaborators.


Marie de Gaulejac is cura­tor and head of resi­den­cies at Triangle — Astérides, a con­tem­po­ra­ry art cen­tre in Marseille. Since 2017, she has been coo­r­di­na­ting the research resi­d­en­cy pro­gram­me dedi­ca­ted to emer­ging French and inter­na­ti­o­nal artists, hos­ting more than 15 artists per year. She also devel­o­ped a work­shop pro­gram­me dedi­ca­ted to the pro­duc­ti­on of pro­jects in sup­port of local artists as well as a mobi­li­ty resi­d­en­cy pro­gram­me. Since 2019, she has been offe­ring a rich and varied pro­gram­me of events at the Atelier-Assemblée, an expe­ri­men­tal mee­ting spa­ce open to the public whe­re per­for­ma­ti­ve, col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve and dis­cur­si­ve prac­ti­ces and mee­tings with artists bring the art cen­tre to life. 

Marie de Gaulejac also cura­tes group exhi­bi­ti­ons pro­po­sed by Triangle — Astérides, such as Vos désirs sont les nôtres in 2018 and Sur pier­res brûlan­tes in 2020 at La Friche La Belle de Mai in Marseille. In paral­lel to her acti­vi­ties at Triangle — Astérides, Marie de Gaulejac is an inde­pen­dent cura­tor. Recent exhi­bi­ti­ons inclu­de: Construire sa pré­ten­due — Villa Arson (Nice), 2021; Ghita Skali: Narratives Machines: Episode 2 — ÉTÉ 78, Brussels, 2019; CLUB ANDALOUSE-Paris, 2017; Parisque-Le DOC (Paris), 2017; FOREVER YOUNG — Galerie Catherine Bastide (Brussels), 2014

She has also co-cura­ted seve­r­al exhi­bi­ti­ons inclu­ding the 5th Rennes Biennial, INCORPORATED! with François Piron in 2016; Fortune III, Grey skies and sun­ny dis­po­si­ti­ons and Fortune I, Camping in Eden with the col­lec­ti­ve The Ister in 2014; the 16th Pernod Ricard Corporate Foundation Prize with the col­lec­ti­ve castillo/​corrales in 2014

Marie de Gaulejac has been a mem­ber of seve­r­al col­lec­ti­ves inclu­ding castillo/​corrales from 2013 to 2015 and The Ister from 2013 to 2015.
