28.04.2024, 16:00—17:00
Bebe Books

LTL12 Insta Post mockup1

Welcome on the 28th of April for the artist talk by Bebe Books, our cur­rent col­lec­ti­ve-in-resi­den­ce. Their pre­sen­ta­ti­on at 4 pm will dive in various pro­jects by the queer publis­hing power­hou­se Bebe Books. The event fra­mes within Let’s Talk Leuven, a plat­form for artist talks in Leuven, co-orga­­ni­­sed by STUK, SLAC, Museum M, Bac Art Lab and Cas-co.

Before and after Bebe’s pre­sen­ta­ti­on, you can attend the second day of the public pro­gram­me Back-to-back: per­spec­ti­ves on artists’ wri­ting and publis­hing’, a week­end full of per­for­man­ces, talks, work­shops and rea­dings, cura­ted by cura­tor-in-resi­den­ce Alicja Melzacka. The exhi­bi­ti­on by artist-in-resi­den­ce Oya will also be on view. 

Bebe Books:

Bebe Books is an ongo­ing col­lec­ti­ve expe­ri­ment that ope­ra­tes through sha­red agen­cy in cre­a­ti­ve labor, care and friends­hip in the field of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on design and publis­hing. By wor­king together, we resist the modern myth of a sin­gu­lar heroic desig­ner — what Ursula K. Le Guin refer­red to as​“the nar­ra­ti­ve of the arrow or spear.” We con­si­der our­sel­ves as a queer col­lec­ti­ve not mere­ly as a sta­te­ment of iden­ti­ty, but as that of metho­do­lo­gy. Besides the fact that the majo­ri­ty of our con­sti­tu­ents are gen­­der-non-con­­for­­ming, we use our cre­a­ti­ve capa­ci­ty and resour­ces to design a con­text – be it a book, a gay bar, a tem­ple, or a poli­ti­cal cam­paign – whe­re diver­se mar­gi­na­li­zed expe­rien­ces and voi­ces can be repre­sen­ted.

Bebe Books has been a resi­dent at Kunstencentrum Viernulvier sin­ce September 2021 and is a resi­dent at Netwerk Aalst sin­ce 2023.