22.01.2025, 21:00—22:00
Soft Launch collective Lucian Moriyama, Anastasia Hadjipapa-McCammon and Francesca Hawker

Bienvenue MAX 1
Bienvenue MAX 2

Lucian Moriyama, Anastasia Hadjipapa-McCammon and Francesca Hawker (Off the Grid) is a col­lec­ti­ve using a vari­e­ty of ultra-mun­da­ne medi­ums, which they intro­du­ce as Coffee Machines which sound a lot like rain, music and radio pira­cy, as well as detec­ti­ve-like per­for­man­ces. During the resi­d­en­cy they will approp­ri­a­te the codes and objects of the offi­ce, the kit­chen, the bar, devel­o­ping an instal­la­ti­on and loun­ge-caba­ret per­for­man­ce to be pre­mie­red in spring 2025.

They will kick off their resi­d­en­cy with a musi­cal per­for­man­ce on Wednesday 22nd January, at 21:30 !