24.05.2022, 16:00—21:00
UFO Public Programme #2: talk with international curators about support for artists in their country

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Visual artist? Join the con­ver­sa­ti­on on May 24th and learn about inter­na­ti­o­nal sup­port and oppor­tu­ni­ties for artists.

This eve­ning we start at VONK for a tour at the stu­dios, a recep­ti­on and some small food. Afterwards we visit Z33 whe­re all artists can dive into the know­led­ge and net­work of the inter­na­ti­o­nal cura­tors in smal­ler groups. In the­se groups we dis­cuss items such as: what kind of sup­port is pre­sent for artists in your coun­try? How to appro­ach a con­tact or net­work in your coun­try? What kind of resi­d­en­cy spa­ces or artist run spa­ces are avai­la­ble. Which orga­ni­za­ti­on show emer­ging inter­na­ti­o­nal artists?

Bring an extra set of ques­ti­ons you can ask the cura­tors and join the talk to start buil­ding a sustai­na­ble envi­ron­ment for your practice.

UFO Visitors Programme #2: VONK (Hasselt) & Morpho (Antwerp)

This con­ver­sa­ti­on is part of the UFO Visitors Programme, a pro­gram­me that intro­du­ces inter­na­ti­o­nal pro­fes­si­o­nals to sup­port and devel­op­ment for­mats for (young) artists in Flanders and Brussels. The pro­gram­me aims to con­nect mul­ti­ple play­ers in this field, to exchan­ge know­led­ge and expe­rien­ce, and to nou­rish an inter­na­ti­o­nal net­work of refe­ren­ces and oppor­tu­ni­ties. During each visitor’s pro­gram­me we focus on two dif­fe­rent UFO orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. These orga­ni­sa­ti­ons pro­po­se a pro­gram­me with mee­tings with artists, visits of exhi­bi­ti­ons, as well as pro­fes­si­o­nal soci­al events for a group of inter­na­ti­o­nal curators. 

For the second edi­ti­on, the cura­tors will visit Hasselt and Antwerp. Kunstenpunt and UFO have invi­ted a group of foreign cura­tors. They will take part in a visi­tors’ pro­gram­me in Hasselt and Antwerp from 24 to 27 May. On May 24 the­re will be a public part in which artists from Flanders can participate.

Visiting cura­tors:

  • Madeleine Planeix-Crocker – Associate Curator at Lafayette Anticipations (Paris, France)
  • Mikkel Elming – direc­tor of Glasmuseet Ebeltoft and inde­pen­dent cura­tor (Denmark)
  • Katrine Elise Pedersen – cura­tor and inte­rim direc­tor at Kunsthall Trondheim (Norway)
  • Katayoun Arian – cura­tor at TENT (Netherlands)
  • Guido Santandrea – artis­tic direc­tor at Almanac (London & Turin)
  • Tim Roerig – cura­tor at Z33 (Hasselt, Belgium)

read more about the par­ti­ci­pa­ting cura­tors on plat​form​-ufo​.be.

UFO 2 Katayoun Arian 1024x683 Katayoun Arian
UFO 2 Katrine Elise Pedersen 681x1024 Katrine Elise Pedersen
UFO 2 Madeleine PlaneixCrocker Chloe Magdelaine 2021 1 761x1024 Madeleine Planeix-Crocker (c) Chloe Magdelaine
Image003 768x1024 Guido Santandrea
IMG 20210731 211008 1024x768 Mikkel Elming

More infor­ma­ti­on

The UFO pro­gram­me is orga­ni­sed by the UFO part­ners: Morpho (Antwerp), VONK (Hasselt & Genk), NUCLEO (Ghent), Cas-co (Leuven), de Tank (Bruges), Levelfive (Brussels) and Kunstenpunt/Flanders Art Institute.

This second edi­ti­on is an ini­ti­a­ti­ve of VONK and Morpho with Z33 and Extra City, with sup­port of Kunstenpunt/​Flanders Art Institute.