Andreas Rasmussen

Off the Grid
Periode: 09.10—04.11.2017

Danish artist Andreas Rasmussen (°1984) works in the inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry field bet­ween spa­ti­al and nar­ra­ti­ve situ­a­ti­ons when in dia­lo­gue with a spe­ci­fic site, loca­ti­on or architecture.

Andreas Rasmussen folderfoto

Andreas Rasmussen

By using a pla­ce or a spa­ce as a star­ting point, the work of Rasmussen scru­ti­ni­ses and ques­ti­ons his sur­roun­ding environment.

His work lin­ked to spa­ti­al situ­a­ti­ons mani­fests itself in various stu­dies of labo­ra­to­ry, lands­ca­pe, digi­tal­ly gene­ra­ted or ima­gi­na­ry spa­ce, trying to under­stand how the­se spa­ce are per­cei­ved and used by the col­lec­ti­ve or by the indi­vi­du­al sub­ject. For example the work Vi pløjer dine enge med kølens ran­ke plov (We plow your mea­dows with the slen­der plow) chal­len­ges the sto­ry of our rela­ti­ons­hip to a bru­tal cul­ti­va­ti­on of natu­re or the cul­tu­ral­ly con­struc­ted natu­re. At the same time it ques­ti­ons the aes­the­tics of lands­ca­pe throug­hout art history.

Rasmussen’s inte­rests are focu­sed on how the dif­fe­rent sta­ges of a phy­si­cal trans­for­ma­ti­on chan­ge a pro­cess and thus gene­ra­te new visu­al and lin­guis­tic languages.

Note: N+1 is the for­mer name of a resi­den­ce and pre­sen­ta­ti­on pla­ce for star­ting visu­al artists in Cas-co. Between 2016 and 2022, 15 artists com­ple­ted a tra­jec­to­ry in spa­ce, care­ful­ly gui­ded by art edu­ca­tor Sammy Ben Yakoub. From 2023 on, the pro­ject spa­ce annex tra­jec­to­ry beca­me part of the artist plat­form Off the Grid.