Jlohmann Performance art:
Being Audience|Being Performer

Periode: 17—22.04.2023

Jlohmann Performance art got esta­blis­hed in 2018 and is researching how we can chal­len­ge the esta­blis­hed per­for­man­ce for­mats within art to cre­a­te works that go beyond enter­tain­ment and for­ce the spec­ta­tor to take an acti­ve role within the devel­o­pe­ment of the work. We want to re-esta­blish the the­a­ter as a rehear­sal spa­ce for demo­cra­cy and give art a solid footing within our society.

Partnership(s): CIRKLABO
Being Audience Being Performer J Lohmann Performance Art3 Being Audience Being Performer J Lohmann Performance Art2 Being Audience Being Performer J Lohmann Performance Art1

Jlohmann Performance art:
Being Audience|Being Performer

After the suc­ces­full cre­a­ti­on of a short pie­ce under the same tit­le which recei­ved various award nomi­na­ti­ons and has been shown at dif­fe­rent fes­ti­vals in Europe, we are back in the stu­dio to cre­a­te the long ver­si­on. For our resi­d­en­cy at CIRKLabo we take back the wri­ting and ela­bo­ra­te on the various sce­nes to cre­a­te more depth and a stron­ger con­nec­ti­on with our audien­ces, fur­ther defi­ning the path we want to send our public on to. The pie­ce will be an explo­ra­ti­on of the roles and res­pon­si­bi­li­ties we face and take on in the the­a­ter, as well as in soci­e­ty. This cre­a­ti­on hap­pens in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the Italian dan­cer Maria Susca.”