12.09.2024, 20:00—21:00
Vlag #7: 'Huriya, Huriya, Huriya, Huriya' - Hussein Shikha

1 copie


Hussein Shikha is een mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nair kun­ste­naar, schrij­ver en gra­fisch ont­wer­per die werkt met tra­di­ti­o­ne­le motie­ven en het rij­ke erf­goed van Zuid-Irakese tapijt- en tex­tiel­fa­bri­ca­ge, vaak op het snij­vlak van kunst en design. Hussein neemt deze per­soon­lij­ke erva­ring van het navi­ge­ren door ont­heem­ding en dias­po­ri­sche cul­tu­re­le iden­ti­teit als uitgangspunt. 

De vlag die hij maak­te, op uit­no­di­ging van 019 en Cas-co, com­bi­neert de geschie­de­nis van vroe­ge com­pu­ter­tech­no­lo­gie en pixels met het maken van tapij­ten. Huriya bete­kent vrij­heid in het Arabisch. Husseins eer­ste gewe­ven tapijt is momen­teel te zien in Kunsthal Extra City in Antwerpen, als onder­deel van hun semi-per­ma­nen­te collectie. 

De vlag wordt geïn­au­gu­reerd met een per­for­ma­tie­ve rond­lei­ding door Hussein Shikha en Yasmina Reggad, per­for­man­ce­kun­ste­naar en regis­seur, schrij­ver, onder­zoe­ker, dra­ma­turg en onaf­han­ke­lijk cura­tor. De rond­lei­ding start aan Cas-co en ein­digt met het hij­sen van de vlag. 


Hussein Shikha is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry artist, wri­ter and grap­hic desig­ner, wor­king with tra­di­ti­o­nal motifs and the rich heri­ta­ge of Southern Iraqi car­pet-making and tex­ti­le, often at the edge of art and design. Hussein takes this per­so­nal expe­rien­ce of navi­ga­ting dis­pla­ce­ment and dias­po­ric cul­tu­ral iden­ti­ty as a star­ting point. 

Invited to con­cei­ve a flag for 019 and Cas-co, the pie­ce blends the his­to­ry of ear­ly com­pu­ter tech­no­lo­gy and pixels with car­pet-making, Huriya mea­ning free­dom in ara­bic. Hussein’s first woven car­pet is cur­rent­ly on view at Kunsthal Extra City in Antwerp, as part of their semi-per­ma­nent collection. 

On the ope­ning night, and depar­ting from Cas-co, a Performative Guided Tour will lead us towards the hoi­sting of the flag with Hussein Shikha and Yasmina Reggad, per­for­man­ce artist and direc­tor, wri­ter, researcher, dra­ma­tur­ge and inde­pen­dent curator.

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Yasmina Reggad is a per­for­man­ce artist and direc­tor, wri­ter, researcher, dra­ma­tur­ge and inde­pen­dent cura­tor based in Brussels, Belgium. She co-foun­ded and was the cura­tor at aria (artist resi­d­en­cy in algiers) and pre­vious­ly wor­ked at the Delfina Foundation (UK) and Art Dubai Projects (UAE). Recently, she was cura­tor of Zineb Sediras solo pre­sen­ta­ti­on Dreams Have No Titles at the French National Pavilion — the 59th Venice Biennale (20202022), and artis­tic direc­tor of the first edi­ti­on of the Bienal das Amazônias (Brazil) in 2020 – 2022.

As a per­for­man­ce artist, she con­ducts research and devel­ops pro­jects that inves­ti­ga­te alter­na­ti­ve sys­tems of know­led­ge and artis­tic modes of pro­duc­ti­on as well as explo­re per­for­ma­ti­ve metho­do­lo­gies infor­med by past and pre­sent mili­tant acti­ons and practices.

Yasmina Reggad has cre­a­ted per­so­nal pro­jects that span dif­fe­rent gen­res from per­for­man­ce and lec­tu­re-per­for­man­ce to dan­ce pie­ces, and sound inter­ven­ti­ons and (pira­te) broad­cas­ting. Her works is often based on uncon­ven­ti­o­nal audio-visu­al and docu­men­ta­ry archi­ves, and ope­ra­tes as a com­pa­n­ion to the prac­ti­ce of essay wri­ting. Her work was recent­ly sta­ged at at Performa at Roma Tre University (IT); The Mosaic Rooms (UK); Beursschouwburg, KANAL – Centre Pompidou and Kaaistudio’s (Belgium); La Cantine Syrienne de Montreuil, Cité inter­na­ti­o­na­le des arts, Les Rencontres à l’échelle — Mucem; and Chimurenga’s PASS Liberation radio for Documenta 15 (Tanzania), among others.

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