09.04.2022, 15:00—19:00
My Goals Are Bigger Than Yours: Vernissage Valentino Russo

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Hyepremployed (instal­la­ti­on)

April 9 — May 28

From the 9th of April the instal­la­ti­on Hyperemployed’ by Valentino Russo will be visi­ble in the spa­ce of Off the, Grid. Working for more clients at the time, who­se offi­ces might be scat­te­red around the glo­be, makes it impos­si­ble to esta­blish a rou­ti­ne with pre­ci­se wor­king hours and a loca­li­zed wor­king spa­ce. Consequently, the pri­va­te spa­ce is sha­ped by the impe­ra­ti­ve of pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, turning the bedroom into an offi­ce, whi­le the thres­hold bet­ween wor­king hours and lei­su­re time gets incre­a­sin­gly blur­ry. In fact, the free­lan­cer is always wor­king. From the moment she wakes up to check for new emails, to the neces­si­ty to be con­stant­ly pre­sent on soci­al media to sha­re’, con­nect’ and boost the net­work, to the last check to the inbox befo­re going to bed.

Productivity at the work­sta­ti­on (inst­agram live performance)

April 93pm

Tune in on the 9th of April at 15.00 for some fit­ness at the work­sta­ti­on! Live on Instagram: cas-co/offt­he­grid­leu­ven.

Valentino Russo

Valentino Russo is a visu­al artist based in The Hague (NL). He is inte­rested in the reu­se and re-con­tex­tu­a­li­za­ti­on of ima­ges from onli­ne sour­ces — some­ti­mes mixed with ori­gi­nal mate­ri­al. This pro­cess mir­rors the end­less recy­cle of cul­tu­re that takes pla­ce in our soci­al-media based soci­e­ty, a lands­ca­pe charac­te­ri­zed by the impos­si­bi­li­ty to dis­tin­guish bet­ween real and fake, true and fal­se, right and wrong. Valentino also co-cura­tes the artist-run spa­ce The Balcony in The Hague together with Arthur Cordier.

My Goals Are Bigger Than Yours

This pro­ject is part of Season #5 in Off the, Grid: My Goals Are Bigger Than Yours, orga­ni­zed by artists David Ghelli Santuliana, Valentino Russo, Cathleen Owens, Carmen Dusmet Carrasco & Arthur Cordier.

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