zWaar - groepstentoonstelling / group exhibition

Casco zwaar jw web res 42 1

In an echo cham­ber sound and silen­ce reflect. The con­di­ti­ons in which the absen­ce of sound pre­sents itself are overw­hel­ming- fear, safe­ty, com­fort, dis­re­gard, com­pla­c­en­cy, sad­ness, a not kno­wing what to say… and it beco­mes louder.

The con­di­ti­ons in which sound beco­mes noi­se are equal­ly vigorous- empa­thy, rela­ti­on, dis­sent, a just wan­ting some­thing to say … lou­der and lou­der the cacopho­ny claps.

We have to be care­ful with our words and inten­ti­o­nal with our move­ment. Everything is ele­va­ted by the urg­en­cy of choi­ce. What do we choo­se to say? How do we choo­se to move? What are the boun­da­ries? Have we rea­ched a threshold?

We can­not speak just to speak, can­not just clap into the storm and think we have made music. These con­ver­sa­ti­ons have never been easy, but the neces­si­ty to speak has come to live among us.


On our nati­o­nal holi­day at 7 pm, zWaar’ opens, a group exhi­bi­ti­on about the silence(s) that mar­ked the #jus­ti­ce­for­san­da move­ment. Its dif­fe­rent types, the role it plays in moments of com­me­mo­ra­ti­on, the ways it can be con­trol­ling or bro­ken. The exhi­bi­ti­on will explo­re the vast­ness of this topic through instal­la­ti­on, sculp­tu­re, dan­ce, pain­ting and spo­ken word. zWaar’ is an ini­ti­a­ti­ve of Vaartstraat resi­dent Joseph Palframan Thabang together with Aya Kone, Olivier Dils, Dennis men­sah, JP Godfader, Negar Mahmoudi, William Mwansa, Ines Schockaert, Collins Yirenkyi Brenda Anyango and others.


Op onze nati­o­na­le feest­dag om 19u00 opent zWaar’, een groeps­ten­toon­stel­ling over de stilte(s) die de bewe­ging #jus­ti­ce­for­san­da kenmerk(t)en. De ver­schil­len­de soor­ten, de rol die het speelt in her­den­kings­mo­men­ten, de manie­ren waar­op stil­te kan heer­sen en kan wor­den door­bro­ken. De ten­toon­stel­ling zal de uit­ge­strekt­heid van dit onder­werp ver­ken­nen door mid­del van instal­la­tie, beeld­houw­kunst, dans, schil­der­kunst en gespro­ken woord. zWaar’ is een ini­ti­a­tief van Vaartstraatbewoner Joseph Palframan Thabang samen met Aya Kone, Olivier Dils, Dennis men­sah, JP Godfader, Negar Mahmoudi, William Mwansa, Ines Schockaert, Collins Yirenkyi Brenda Anyango en anderen.

Casco zwaar jw web res 99 1
Casco zwaar jw web res 67 1
Casco zwaar jw web res 90 1
Casco zwaar jw web res 1 1
Casco zwaar jw web res 83 1