zWaar - groepstentoonstelling / group exhibition

In an echo chamber sound and silence reflect. The conditions in which the absence of sound presents itself are overwhelming- fear, safety, comfort, disregard, complacency, sadness, a not knowing what to say… and it becomes louder.
The conditions in which sound becomes noise are equally vigorous- empathy, relation, dissent, a just wanting something to say … louder and louder the cacophony claps.
We have to be careful with our words and intentional with our movement. Everything is elevated by the urgency of choice. What do we choose to say? How do we choose to move? What are the boundaries? Have we reached a threshold?
We cannot speak just to speak, cannot just clap into the storm and think we have made music. These conversations have never been easy, but the necessity to speak has come to live among us.
On our national holiday at 7 pm, ‘zWaar’ opens, a group exhibition about the silence(s) that marked the #justiceforsanda movement. Its different types, the role it plays in moments of commemoration, the ways it can be controlling or broken. The exhibition will explore the vastness of this topic through installation, sculpture, dance, painting and spoken word. ‘zWaar’ is an initiative of Vaartstraat resident Joseph Palframan Thabang together with Aya Kone, Olivier Dils, Dennis mensah, JP Godfader, Negar Mahmoudi, William Mwansa, Ines Schockaert, Collins Yirenkyi Brenda Anyango and others.
Op onze nationale feestdag om 19u00 opent ‘zWaar’, een groepstentoonstelling over de stilte(s) die de beweging #justiceforsanda kenmerk(t)en. De verschillende soorten, de rol die het speelt in herdenkingsmomenten, de manieren waarop stilte kan heersen en kan worden doorbroken. De tentoonstelling zal de uitgestrektheid van dit onderwerp verkennen door middel van installatie, beeldhouwkunst, dans, schilderkunst en gesproken woord. ‘zWaar’ is een initiatief van Vaartstraatbewoner Joseph Palframan Thabang samen met Aya Kone, Olivier Dils, Dennis mensah, JP Godfader, Negar Mahmoudi, William Mwansa, Ines Schockaert, Collins Yirenkyi Brenda Anyango en anderen.