Cédric Urbanski

Off the Grid
Periode: 12.09—07.12.2022

Artist talk and ope­ning: 08.12


Cédric Urbanski

Cédric Urbanski (°1996, Leuven) gra­du­a­ted from the MFA pro­gram at LUCA School of Arts Brussels in 2022.

In his prac­ti­ce, Cédric sear­ches for dif­fe­rent ways of con­scious­ness through phy­si­cal and indi­vi­du­al expe­rien­ces. His lens is sha­ped by a long-time inte­rest in bound­less sports and hob­bies which play on the edge of public spa­ce. The work departs from his dai­ly life, lite­ra­tu­re, and niche inter­net figu­res and is often expres­sed through a fic­ti­o­nal per­so­na­li­ty and nai­ve use of media such as: video, pho­to­grap­hy, sound, objects, text, and painting.