Laurène Buchheit

Off the Grid
Periode: 09.06—01.09.2022

Laurène Buchheit (1995, FR) gra­du­a­ted as a MFA at KASK School of Arts in 2020.

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Laurène Buchheit

Laurène Buchheit (1995, FR) is a trans­dis­ci­pli­na­ry artist using instal­la­ti­on, text, and per­for­man­ce as resour­ces to build systems.

Conceived as slap­stick sce­ne­ries, they blend assem­bla­ges invol­ving humour, play­ful­ness, poe­try and ele­ments of the realm with texts refer­ring to absurd situ­a­ti­ons, socie­tal codes of power, sexu­a­li­ty, free time, lan­gu­a­ge and so on.

During the N+1 Residency, Laurène Buchheit aims to devel­op a per­for­man­ce invol­ving motifs such as asking for rot­ten fruit at the green­gro­cers, the pre­sen­ce of bac­kup dan­cers on sta­ge, a per­so­nal prac­ti­ce of saving bread from the trash at night, see­king mou­se anec­do­tes to under­stand the fear of some­thing small that’s afraid (too) of some­thing big, queer silent movies gestu­res, sca­les, the impor­tan­ce of the microp­ho­ne on sta­ge and dia­lo­gues writ­ten with graf­fi­ti found in public toi­lets. While the melo­dy is fami­liar, the lan­gu­a­ge must be renewed.

Note: N+1 is the for­mer name of a resi­den­ce and pre­sen­ta­ti­on pla­ce for star­ting visu­al artists in Cas-co. Between 2017 and 2022, 15 artists com­ple­ted a tra­jec­to­ry in the spa­ce, care­ful­ly gui­ded by art edu­ca­tor Sammy Ben Yakoub. From 2023, the spa­ce and tra­jec­to­ry beca­me part of the artist plat­form Off the Grid.