08.04-07.05.23: 'Love After Love' - Joseph Thabang Palframan (The Green Room)

IMG 6367

Love After Love” is a group art exhi­bi­ti­on asking and ans­we­ring the core human ques­ti­on, what does love mean for us. This exhi­bi­ti­on is inspi­red by the poe­try Love After Love from the Caribbean wri­ter Derek Walcott (Saint Lucia, 1930 – 2017). Amongst the par­ti­ci­pants is Joseph Thabang Palframan, our newest per­ma­nent resident.

Love After Love” is about coming back home to one­self after a long-life jour­ney of lon­ging for love but with emp­ty hands and bro­ken hearts. It assu­red that peo­p­le can redis­co­ver a dura­ble, sustai­ning love. Moreover, this love won’t stem from vani­ty or illu­si­on but rather from the matu­re appre­ci­a­ti­on of all one’s life has to offer. Love After Love” pro­mi­ses that the end of one love won’t be the end of all love — that love, in fact, is some­thing con­ti­nuous and rene­wa­ble. Using ima­ges of wine” and bread” (remi­nis­cent of the Christian ritu­al of Holy Communion) to sug­gest that get­ting reac­quain­ted with yourself entails a kind of dee­ply spi­ri­tu­al, and even holy, con­nec­ti­on.

Participating artists: Catelijne Boele, Dimitris Gketsis, Elly Strik, Joseph Thabang Palframan, Juwon Lee, Karin Kytökangas, Lema Ahmadi, Leyla de Muynck, Rik Meijers, Ronald Ophuis & Yang-ha.

IMG 6368