19.04-30.06: uitwisselingsresidentie + open studio (04.05) - Kaïn Walgrave (Moussem)

Portretfoto c siemen van gaubergen

Kaïn Walgrave1990, Leuven) lives and works in Brussels. His work has been shown at KIOSK (Ghent), STUK (Leuven) and De Markten (Brussels), among others. He will be a resi­dent at Moussem from April 19 until June 30.

In his work, Walgrave com­bi­nes archi­ving and cre­a­ting. In his stu­dio, he turns found ima­ges into pain­tings, alt­hough he does not want to descri­be himself as a pain­ter. Painting is just a snap­shot, a way to give an object a second life. Where the ima­ge comes from and whe­re it goes is essen­ti­al. The game of fin­ding, giving, giving back and pas­sing on is the com­mon thread. His prac­ti­ce is an exer­ci­se in let­ting go, focu­sing on the per­for­ma­ti­ve aspect of exchange.

During the Moussem resi­d­en­cy, Walgrave con­ti­nues wor­king on his pro­ject Hello, I’m loo­king for a nor­mal cof­fee table for a woman . Since 2014, he has been col­lec­ting thou­sands of pho­tos from various Facebook GIFT groups: groups whe­re peo­p­le offer free stuff using ima­ges. Based on the­se pho­tos, he cre­a­tes pain­tings, which later find their way back to the same GIFT groups. He beca­me fas­ci­na­ted by the honest ima­ges, alongsi­de adver­ti­se­ments for new coun­ter­parts, whe­re the line bet­ween value and worthles­s­ness is thin.

Collaboration with M
This resi­d­en­cy is a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with M, a Leuven muse­um and visu­al arts plat­form that makes mea­ning­ful con­nec­ti­ons across time, to soci­e­ty and bet­ween art dis­ci­pli­nes. M and Moussem are expan­ding their resi­d­en­cy col­la­bo­ra­ti­on by orga­ni­zing an inter­ac­ti­on bet­ween the two resi­d­en­cy sites (Brussels and Leuven). Every two years, M selects one resi­dent in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Moussem. In addi­ti­on, Moussem and M select an artist from Leuven for a resi­d­en­cy with Moussem. The exchan­ge aims to anchor the artists’ artis­tic prac­ti­ces in a new urban con­text, as well as to expand their pro­fes­si­o­nal network.

This col­la­bo­ra­ti­on will take pla­ce for the first time in the spring of 2024. Angyvir Padilla is the new M resi­dent, Kaïn Walgrave makes the rever­se move and beco­mes a resi­dent at Moussem.

On May 4, you can see Kaïn at work at Moussem Studios during Atelier in beeld, the big open stu­dio week­end for visu­al artists throug­hout Flanders and Brussels.