09.10.2024, 11:00—18:00
BÁRBARA and the ancient stories of the future - Sadrie Alves & Désirée0100

IMG norma prendergast c Norma Prendergast

What sto­ries mat­ter to you and what do they con­ce­al or reve­al to us?
What are the needs and urgen­cies behind the sto­ries we tell?


A day of sha­ring tools and high­ligh­ting the pro­cess behind cross-dis­ci­pli­na­ry storytelling.

We sha­re alter­na­ti­ve ways of sto­ry­tel­ling not only by decon­structing the wes­tern canon, but by pre­sen­ting pos­si­bi­li­ties that exist beyond it as well as sha­ring tools to ima­gi­ne other sto­ries. The sto­ry is a ves­sel through which we visit dif­fe­rent tem­po­ra­li­ties to recre­a­te and poli­ti­ci­ze them.

In a play­ful and casu­al set­ting, we spend the day together to del­ve into the poten­ti­al of sto­ry­tel­ling through prac­ti­ce and examples. The work­shop tac­kles aspects of wri­ting and dra­wing, whe­re par­ti­ci­pants get to arti­cu­la­te their own sto­ries. Folk lore, lan­gu­a­ge and local tra­di­ti­ons play an impor­tant role as ele­ments of iden­ti­ty within a soci­e­ty affec­ted by glo­bal issues. What kind of sto­ries make us?


BÁRBARA is com­po­sed by Sadrie Alves and Désirée 0100. She was first born as a charac­ter of a cross-dis­ci­pli­na­ry per­for­man­ce we devel­o­ped together. We are inte­rested in sha­ring know­led­ges gat­he­red throug­hout our cre­a­ti­on pro­cess becau­se at the core of our pro­ject is a love for radi­cal peda­go­gies and sto­ry­tel­ling. Investigating con­tem­po­ra­ry ways of tel­ling sto­ries is a tool to con­ci­li­a­te dif­fe­rent time­li­nes of our own mul­ti­cul­tu­ral jour­ney. Forgotten lore, obscu­red his­to­ries, dis­tor­ted memo­ries and emer­ging arche­ty­pes inter­sect in our work. We draw from the past to under­stand the ancient sto­ries of the future.

Sadrie Alves & Désirée0100

Sadrie Alves (*1997, BR/BE) devel­ops a body of work that ope­ra­tes in the fields of visu­al arts, design and per­for­man­ce. The core of her prac­ti­ce departs from dra­wing as a sym­bo­lic acti­on and as a cata­lyst for affec­ti­ve nar­ra­ti­ves and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on. Her work is infor­med by oral sto­ries, and the beings that inha­bit them. She is cur­rent­ly wor­king on various col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve pro­jects that sha­re in com­mon an urg­en­cy and focus on mul­ti­pli­ci­ty, under­mi­ned visu­al lan­gu­a­ges and so-cal­l­ed unre­lia­ble know­led­ges.
Sadrie was born and rai­sed in Brasília and is cur­rent­ly living in Antwerp. Throughout the last four years she devel­o­ped various work­shops and mas­ter­clas­ses in insti­tu­ti­ons inclu­ding Royal Academy of Fine Arts and University of Antwerp, Stormopkomst and Basis voor Actuele Kunsten. She enga­ged in resi­den­cies at MORPHO, Frans Masereel Centrum and deSingel, Belgium; Petrohradská kolek­tiv, Czechia; and UNIDEE Residency Programs, Italy.

Désirée 0100 (*1992, MX) is a dan­cer and cho­re­o­grap­her. She lives in Belgium sin­ce 2018. Her work has a strong con­nec­ti­on with the impro­vi­sa­ti­on prac­ti­ce, the fol­klo­re, musi­ca­li­ty, migra­ti­on, hea­ling ritu­als, and soci­al jus­ti­ce for the mar­gi­na­li­zed com­mu­ni­ties. Besides her per­for­ming career, Désirée tea­ches and cre­a­tes dan­ce oppor­tu­ni­ties within hos­pi­tals, prisons and psy­chi­a­tric cen­ters, but also for pro­fes­si­o­nal and ama­teur dan­cers in cul­tu­ral and artis­tic insti­tu­ti­ons. As a guest artist she has col­la­bo­ra­ted with David Zambrano, Florence Casanave, Simon Van Schuylenbergh, Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe, Krakland, The Ostend Street Orkestra, among others. She was among the foun­ding team of Tictac Art Centre, whe­re she wor­ked for three years (20182021).

8performance barbara c Norma Prendergast

Pictures cour­te­sy Norma Prendergast